
Guidelines On How To Identify Rare Postage Stamps

By Scott Wagner

For years now, people interested in collecting stamps have continuously focused their efforts towards getting the remaining ones in the market. They use their skills to get the Rare Postage Stamps which have a greater value as compared to the common ones. They move around the world spending much time and energy in getting them. The task requires one to have stamp collecting knowledge which includes identification of errors and perforations.

Age is another essential factor that makes them scarce especially when they get older. Additionally, they are becoming rarer because collectors are continuously keeping them in permanent collections. This makes the collecting process to be more valuable as the value of each stamp increases with time.

It is necessary for one to have an understanding that not all pasted stamps are valuable. There are mint and used ones which have a different value. A mint stamp is in a good condition, has its original gum, has no cancellation marks as well as obtain no defects, unlike the used ones. This makes them rarer than the used ones which in turn facilitate their increased value from time to time.

One is required to measure the number of perforations on the stamp edge by use of a perforation gauge. This is an essential gadget that will help determine those with similar perforations. In most instances, those that are nearly identical have different perforations. Some of the perforations make them infrequent hence increasing their value and costs more than one would have expected.

You should take time and research your stamp. This will help determine how common it might be. Among the many sources of information to consider, Scott catalogs should be the first reference resource material. You will realize that the rarest stamp in the world is one made in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six which is the most expensive.

It is necessary to check the printing errors. There are some which are printed mistakenly baring some mistakes which were not noticed until they were released. A good example is the inverted Jenny which is an airmail stamp. It had a pane of one hundred which was printed upside down. Due to the mistake, it became among the rarest stamps and increased its value.

The content error is another issue to consider. You should check the content provided on them and compare with what is on the Scott Catalog. There are times when the printing sheets have wrong information without anyone noticing. A stamp used in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four had the image of rodeo star Ben Pickett but instead his brother Bill was the one supposed to appear.

Moreover, the use of the Scott Catalog can be helpful since it acts as a standard stamp reference guide. There is a need to note that it is updated annually which means that the information to acquire from is relevant. You are required to list down every stamp in the world best-known to you with some expectations. This way, you will have a chance of understanding their values.

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