
Why You Should Take Part In This Elvis Tributre

By Jerry Sullivan

There is probably no other person who is as often impersonated and commemorated as Elvis Presley. Some might be your run of the mill decoys, but you have others who are really well advised in making this their line of career. After all, they do well in being a bay area Elvis tribute artist.

Impressions and impersonations are fun courses in entertainment. They are a way to relive memories and give tribute to just about any deserving cultural icon. There is no more fitting embodiment of the Classic than the King in all his masculine charms, clean cut looks, deep balladic voice, and well styled pompadour. Everything from his greatness to his follies is continually being excellently role played and fondly remembered.

While entertainers usually impersonate for making fun of a famous figures personal life, involved scandals, and eccentric behavior, not much can really be scooped about Elvis Presley. Of course, you can have your juicy implications and gossips peppered throughout the show but commonly, impersonations in this line are usually for tribute concerts and some such. Impersonators have thoroughly mastered his looks, mannerisms, and voice fidelity, that seeing them in concert is really or almost like seeing the real thing embodied.

Impersonators may be impressionists, lookalikes, and imitators. The appellations pretty much speak for themselves. Impressionists, through their habits, actions, perhaps looks and impressions make them give off vibes about a particular celebrity. And then you have the lookalikes, who have dished out the genetic lottery and are recognized for that merit alone. The imitators deliberately act out the mannerisms, habits, and behaviors of the celebrity.

The proliferation of mimes has not diluted or trivialized this phenomenon in any way. In fact, there is quite a handful that are so good that you might think the Kings passing was just some hushed up conspiracy theory. They are Elvis Embodied, Reincarnated, or really Himself. If you are a professed number one fan, see to that tribute gathering above, and for future reference, keep some details for your own use later on.

Others might think that its good enough to merely be a lookalike. The impressiveness is undeniably shallow in this one. Anyone can be spruced up with cosmetics, and it is also easy to vamp oneself up with trademark clothing. However, this can quickly get bromidic. Impersonation is not so much a turf for genetics but that of skill and practice. A wide repertoire of acts and skills is something that audiences would really pay to see.

Of course, certain flaws can be great assets as well. When a particular comedian, for example, is like the rock n roll star in all terms, except that he is paunchy, that can actually make for a good comedic feature and punch line. After all, in the entertainment industry, fame is incidental. It is totally up to the artist how he styles himself, and waits to see how that bodes through the reaction and reception of audiences. Lookalikes bring out the trademark visual element a la Elvis, like a pompadour with a slight cowlick or else the neat and stylish sideburns. You also have the soundalikes who talk or sing like Elvis.

But can you imagine the embarrassment if the act you hire is a bit off and perhaps a bit corny. Nothing is as awkward as complete silence during a comedy show, all waiting with bated breath for a less hackneyed or cheesy punch line. Therefore, before you get around to commissioning artists, make sure they are not CON artists. As it is, you get people whereabouts who are sadly disillusioned. Of course, that is no fault of their own, but if you make the tragic misstep of hiring them, then all the blame will trickle down on you and all the perceptions will be reflected back on you, as someone who is corny, unfunny, and sadly out of step with the times. But if you manage to put together a resoundingly successful show, now thats something else.

The rock n roll pioneer is indeed a force to be reckoned with. His image, name, and voice are quintessentially and immediately recognizable the whole world over. From music to clothes, he has been a great cultural force, and many years dating from his mortality, his spirit and legacy remain, indisputably, deathless.

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