
Ways To Achieve Beautiful Pottery Painting

By Mark Bell

Designing a pot is exciting and challenging. It does not require an expert skill to accomplish this activity. It will only take your time and effort. Having a creative imagination will help you plan for your theme and painting ideas. Here are some simple tips for creative pottery painting IL.

My neighbor, Ellen, is a single mother. Every time her children are in school, she does not have anything to do during the entire day. So, she keeps herself busy by creating recyclable materials into house decors and furniture. Her level of creativity astonishes her visitors during several occasions.

One day, she plans to transform her garage into a flower garden. She decided to bring my mother with her while she buys the materials needed in planting bushes, flowers and trees. Since she is already old, and is not capable of doing things a young woman usually does, she asked my mother to paint her pots.

She learned that, that to avoid being monotonous, color green should be the last option. Green or any shades of green suggests sameness and monotony of the colors unless you want the pot to appear like it is part of your plant leaves. If your flowers are colorful enough to outshine the dullness of the pot, then neutral colors would be fine.

After a doing a few research, she discovered that it is not good to use monotonous colors. For example, color green will add to the dullness of its image since the plant leaves are already green. Another shade which is not advisable to use is brown. The soil is already brown, so you should not use it unless you want your pot to look like it is a part of a stem and soil. Before anything else, she never missed the process of removing the dirt from the pot.

Do not forget to clear your pot from dirt to make the painting process smoother and cleaner. You make soak it in warm water and scrub it gently with a hard brush. Let the whole surface of the pot dry before starting to apply paint. Next, cover it with base coat before applying the other shades. Otherwise, it would look messy.

The night sky is also interesting. You can mix black and blue colors to signify the dark skies and use cotton buds to draw the stars and moon. Silver and white can blend well with the dark background. You may want to buy different sizes of paint brushes to make it easier for you to paint the shapes in detail.

Learn to think outside the box and look for inspiration around you. It could be from your friends, the nature, the places you have gone to, or paintings by the famous artists. Ideas can be found anywhere if you try to look around. Producing a good piece of artwork will require you tons of effort and a lot of time.

Your inspiration is available anywhere like the natural environment, the awesome places you have been to, and the famous traditional pieces of art. This unique activity will heal your boredom. Aside from discovering your new career, it teaches you how to be naturally artistic. Beautifying your backyard will surely amaze your visitors and neighbors. Thus, act now and make it real.

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