
Reputable Arlington Family Clinic; How To Prevent Your Ailing Kid From Infecting You

By Michelle Edwards

Kids have a special way of bringing home all kinds of stomach viruses, flus and colds. After all, they love shaking hands, giving hugs, crawling on dirt and even playing and chewing unsanitary playground equipment. Fortunately, it is possible to contain germs that cause diseases and generally ensure that one person does not end up infecting everyone in your family. Here are some sure tips from the best Arlington family clinic.

Most kids, even those that are often happy drinking the last drops of juice from their friends cups are not generous. They are even so great fans of sharing and spreading viruses and bacteria. A recent study conducted by the University of Arizona shows that mothers face three times the risk of getting sick when nursing their sneezing, sniffing kids than a trained garbage collector. Given these statistics, you may want to put up a super germ-fighting game before nursing your little fellow.

For you to protect yourself, you must spend plenty of time at the sink. Washing your hands regularly with quality antiseptic soap will reduce your odds of getting infected by your kids illness by about 50%. Make a point of taking at least 20 seconds to do a thorough job and also use a quality alcohol-based hand sanitizer right after.

Hand sanitizers are knights in shining armor. You want to stock the product in just about every area of your home and even in your handbag. Children have a thing for sneezing on their mothers faces just when you cannot find a sink with running water nearby. Your hand sanitizers can assist you in squishing the germs way before they make you ill.

If your little champ is sneezing and sniffing, he or she should not set foot in the kitchen. When the countertops or tables get contaminated, this means that everyone in your household will also be at risk of getting sick. Older kids are able to personally take the necessary precautions, though you may not want to trust them to roam around food storage areas, including the fridge.

It is a good idea to do your kids laundry using hot water. This will help kill the disease causing microbes. Using hot water is not environmentally friendly, though even Mother Nature will understand that you are desperately trying to protect yourself and your loved ones. Use chlorine on whites and chlorine-free, colorfast bleaches on garments that are dark colored.

If you are doing the laundry of a sick kid, you must keep in mind that what you are dealing with is germy stuff, capable of infecting you with nasty diseases. That said, do not touch your nose or mouth. Mothers know only too well that their kids use their garments as handkerchiefs when nobody is seeing them. Use some bleach to run a hot cycle on the laundry machine to disinfect it after use.

Some measures sound extreme, obsessive or even unnecessary. However, they are necessary if you are tired of coming down with something each time to try nursing your sickly baby. To further protect yourself, temporarily limit cuddles, prohibit sharing and even invest in plenty of disinfectant that you can use to clean frequently touched areas such as doorknobs, remotes and toilet handles.

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