
Guidelines For Making Portland Tattoo Shop Signs

By Larry Carter

Quality outdoor signs should be in a position to achieve the kind of sale you need to generate. Most people who tend to make signage for their tattoo shop end up making mistakes that cost their businesses. There are quite a few rules that one should take note to achieve the expected results. The following are basic rules for making Portland tattoo shop signs to consider.

Decide on remarkable color contrast. Colors work quite a lot in attracting clients into an advertisement. Therefore, one has to find the right combination that will make the sign impressive enough. You should stick to a maximum of three colors if you do not prefer using LED which has quite a lot of contrasting colors. Use bright colors such as red, white and yellow against a darker background of black, green or black.

Take note of its size. A good sign should have the right size that clients can take note from far. You should consider the size recommended by the authorities when making your selection. If you want to put up the sign along the highway, it is best that it is big enough for easy visibility. If you want to hang it outside your shop, decide on a reasonable size that cannot make any destruction to people walking along your corridors.

Avoid cluttering the sign. Word cluttering is the use of too many words to the point of losing the intended purpose. A good sign should maintain the least words but ensure that they are relevant enough. You can stick to the name your tattoo shop and the word tattoo on it. Besides that, use an additional graphical illustration that directs clients to your store.

Beware of the position you intend to set it up. The positioning of signage can also affect its effect on targeted clients. You should put it high enough to ensure visibility from a distance of twelve feet if you want to position it along a highway. Those who intend to set it up along the street, make sure it is in a visible place where clients can easily see it as they walk along your shop.

Check out with the local authorities. Most authorities have strict regulations related to signage. You need to acquaint with their rules to avoid hefty fines or having your signage pulled down. Contact the respective authorities and make inquiries about the kind of expectations they have. You have to get a valid permit from them before you set up the sign.

Look for a reasonable material. Signs are prone to harsh weather conditions and can easily get damaged if left unattended. Look for a waterproof material that can withstand water, snow, and wind. Ensure that it has a strong reinforcement that will ensure it survives the harsh conditions. Street signage should be light enough since there are no strong points to hold them up.

Check its lighting. Signs should remain visible even during the night. You can rely on various types of lighting according to your budget and the design you want. LEDs are quite conventional and work pretty well. You can also consider setting up bulbs at the top or bottom of the signage.

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