
Issues To Beware Of During Wireless Mic Rental

By Ann Brown

A lot of events and gatherings nowadays use microphones that are wireless. Using these devices is advantageous since the user stands less chance of falling because he or she tripped. In addition, using them is easy and there are several options you can choose to make your experience using the item enjoyable. Nevertheless, wireless mic rental has several issues that need to be addressed. Some of these issues can bring serious problems to the event. As such it is imperative for you to have an idea of how to solve these problems. The excerpt has highlighted some problems that come with this gadget and the solutions you can apply to eradicate the problems.

Unlike other devices that can accommodate any number of users, each of these microphones requires a receiver. This means that you need to have a receiver for every microphone you rent. Hence, if you will need more microphones, you will have to add the same number of receivers as well. The best way to deal with this is to ensure you know the number of mics you need. Know what your presenters will be doing. Again, ensure you have the contacts of your local rental company who can come to your rescue in case of emergency.

Frequency interference is common especially in urban or crowded places. If you are holding your event in a crowded place, you might have interference since other devices might be competing for the same frequency. When renting the microphones, make sure their receivers are frequency-nimble. Know your venue very well. You can visit the venue a day before to test the wireless mic system.

Obstruction of signals is common when using the wireless system. This can come from obstacles within the space or the distance between the receivers and transmitters. These obstructions cause dead zones where the mic reception fades drastically or completely. Test your equipment to know these areas and let your presenters know the regions that do not get the signals to avoid them.

These microphones use batteries and it is possible to run into the danger of limited battery life. The limited life of the batteries can cause interruptions during presentations. Make sure that all equipment is fully charged before your big day. Ensure you have extra charged batteries for replacement in case you ones in use die.

The microphones offer mobility and this is an advantage for you and your presenters. However, with the freedom of movement, a presenter may move closer to the loudspeaker causing feedback and damaged hearing of listeners. Before the presentation begins, have a run-through with your technicians to know the areas with issues and correct them to avoid the deafening sounds from the loudspeakers.

Among the wireless microphones are the hands-free elements. These mics are ideal but can cause the volume of the voices to drop if a presenter turns their head away from the mic. A perfect way of avoiding the drop in voice is by using mics worn on the head. This helps to keep the mic near the mouth at all times.

These are simple solutions for the common issues that you might have to deal with in an event. Make sure you have a reliable company on your side to ensure that the problems are solved immediately. With the above solutions, you are assured of having a successful event.

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