
Information Obtainable On Poetry Contest Sites

By Shirley Hughes

There is a common understanding that great poets are born with the talent. However, this does not take away the place of how work and studies in achieving this feat. A good poet must be imaginative and also able to express his ideas on paper. A majority of poets who are good at this look out for competitions they can enroll for at some poetry contest sites.

A contest site must have basic information including the prizes. You might feel like participating in one but later on, change your mind if the prizes are not attractive to you. You can search from one site to another for prizes that are attractive to you if that is what determines when you are going to join a competition.

What draws most contestants to competitions is when they are told that they will be sponsored for a trip to a city they have never been to before. Most times, this has to do with a place that is away from one's own country before it can be enticing. So, if you are one of those that look forward to taking a flight out of your country for some days, practicing poetry may be of help.

Another prize that is common for participants is scholarship opportunities. Winners are often granted the chance to study literature in some of the best universities in the world. The idea is that such contestants will be able to do better when given the chance. The scholarship given may be partial or full depending on the body organizing the contest as well as the performance of the contestant.

Funds are also given out. This is often the most common kind of reward for poetry writing. Candidates are usually rewarded handsomely and this spurs them to put in their best for the competition. Usually, the rewards are given according to one's performance. Regional winners gain much, but not as much as the one who emerges as the overall winner.

Another detail to be checked on the site is the age limit for contestants. Some competitions are strictly for teenagers, others for those in their early twenties, while some have no age bracket at all. Even if you are too good at writing poems, you would need to verify this to avoid wasting your time.

Also, try to find out if you have to pay a fee before submitting your work. This is important because you would have to look for the money if you don't have it and this can take some time too. In case you are not too sure of this, ask others who may be interested in the contest so that you can be sure if money is required or not. You wouldn't have to waste your time writing a long poem if you don't have the money for submitting it.

Knowing the closing date and planning accordingly is necessary to win. You cannot be announced as the winner of any contest if you submit late, no matter how good your work is. Moreover, when you know the closing date, you will be able to plan more effectively and also visit a friend to help you go through your work.

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