
Touring A Picasso Inspired Fine Art Gallery

By Michelle Mitchell

While there are a number of cities which host modern art museums, there are others which host no museums at all. As such, people often have to visit parks, libraries and galleries in order to view art. While this is the case, there is also one Picasso Inspired Fine Art Gallery in the Bay Area which is more like a small museum of work by the artist.

While Picasso was born on October 25th, 1881, the artist did not die until April 8th, 1973 at the age of 91. Up until that time, the painter worked in a number of different areas of the art world. Whether, painting, writing poetry, designing stages, creating and decorating ceramics, printmaking, constructing sculpture or drawing, the young artist enjoyed working with all types of media.

Some notable works created by the Master include, La Vie (1903, ) Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907, and The Girl In A Mirror (1932.) While Picasso also created numerous other pieces over the years, these are some of the most interesting. For, it is through these and other like pieces that viewers can sense the artist looking within and without for the inspiration behind so many pieces.

Surrealism and Cubism are the two art movements for which Picasso is most often known. When it comes to surrealism, subjects within paintings can often appear to move. While, those whom love cubism can often spend hours gazing upon the different cubes and prints in the arsenal of work Picasso left behind.

Picasso also co-founded the Cubist art movement and invented scrap sculpture which is constructed from different types of media. In addition, Picasso is also considered to be the father of collage, so there are a number of different types of styles which the artist has created over the years. If interested in viewing all of the work by Picasso or other artists, it can often be enjoyable to browse through Coffee Table Books related to a specific artist in a local bookstore or library.

While the young artist demonstrated a talent for art during youth through paintings completed well before and during teenager years, the extent of talent was not known until much later. In most cases, people believe the changes in style which the artist incorporated over the years helped keep works original and unique. As with other modern artists, the themes of chaos and non-conformity can clearly be seen in many original works by the renowned artist.

While names of some of the projects Picasso was working on have yet to be named or released, there may very well be more of the artist's works released in the future. While this is the case, it will most likely be original art created during the Blue, Analytic Cubism, Synthetic Cubism, Chrystal, Rose or Blue period. While most likely be worth a great deal of money would also make for an amazing exhibition at a Contemporary or Modern Art museum.

While this is the case, the artist also created art in the neoclassical style which was most popular during the early 1900s while surrealism became popular in the 1920s and 1930s. After which, the artist began creating revolutionary art pieces related to all periods associated with life at the time. By using mixed media, the artist combined different types of media into a unified art piece, a piece which more than one viewer has since called a true masterpiece.

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