
Understanding The Reasons Why It Is Still Trendy To Rent An Asheville Photo Booth

By Harold Gray

In an age of social media and highly advanced smartphones that take impressive selfies, one may wonder why photo booths are still very popular. Well, the funny looking cubicles have been used for decades and it is safe to say that they are in the camerawork industry to stay. Even with so many impressive advancements in technology, there are good reasons why it is still trendy to rent an Asheville photo booth.

To begin with, the authenticity of the pictures taken in booths is unmatched. Most pictures that you can find online have been edited, cropped and filtered. This means that the owner of a post will merely allow you to see what he or she wants you to see. On the other hand, the snapshots taken in booths are real and unfiltered. In other words, you see the truth and this will give you an accurate reminder of a happy event, moment or day.

Then again, taking photos in a booth is quite entertaining. Unlike using phone cameras, booths are more of games and less of tools. In short, the approach used when taking pictures allows the subjects to show their true selves, use props and have a lot of fun while at it. All this ensures that each picture that is taken is able to make a thousand statements.

Photo booths are timeless and the best part is that they offer vintage aesthetics. In the world today, old is new and trapping the past is without debate a big thing. Anything that seems old-fashioned is in this age considered iconic, classy and priceless. This is perhaps the main reason why photo booths are today popularly used when hosting both formal and informal events.

Another explanation for the timelessness of booths is that they leave room for customization. In case solely having the booth is not satisfactory, you may opt to use props or even backdrops to make your sessions more interesting. Because customization is possible, this makes booths a perfect match for a wide selection of events and settings.

Showing the spirit of being a team can work in your best interests, especially when hosting a friends party or a workplace event. In this case, those taking a photo have no option that to crowd into the booth and this will create an invaluable experience of closeness that will be evident in the pictures that are taken.

Even with so many advancements in technology, there is a chance that booths will continue being the leading foothold of fun photography. There are three most popular kinds of booths in the markets today and they include the GIF, photo bus and open booths. You merely need to choose the style that tickles your fancy.

The GIF booths provide the best glimpse into memorable moments using silly, moving photos. On the other hand, the photo bus booths provide more room and you and your friends, guests, coworkers or relatives can hop into a classic Volkswagen that is transformed and redesigned into an amazing photo booth. Finally, there is the open booth that looks like a classic kiosk, the only difference being that it does not have restriction walls.

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