
Relaxing With Mindful Harp Music

By Richard Howard

Whether listened to on compact disc or having a live version playing in the background, nothing beats the sounds that this instrument can create. Mindful harp music just has that effect on a person and sounds like mountain river water cascading whilst meandering down the mountainside. Some have it playing in their stores and others take it a step further to unwind completely which sometimes is not easily accomplished without it.

The mind can have millions of thoughts running through it from images to plenty of other thoughts that come in and out of it. It is time to quieten it down with a meaningful exercise that one can practice every day of the week and month. It allows the practitioner time to unwind and just be whilst practicing an art that has been around for centuries.

If one is looking for a more meaningful experience whilst playing harp pieces, then there is a way to do just this in the comfort of the home. It is something that should be worked into the day's schedule as it is a way of relieving stress which everybody needs. The way to do this is to lay down on a comfortable surface, ideally on one's back, and take in the sounds of this amazing instrument.

Whilst laying down and listening to the harp in the background, breathe in slowly and exhale slowly making sure that the breathes are deep and rhythmic. Focus on this for some time whilst monitoring what the rest of the body is doing with attention to stress that one feels throughout the body. When one is in a deeper state of consciousness, focus on what is happening in the mind and just look at it as a third person as if watching a television show of someone else.

This helps to unwind and should be continued for about five minutes giving the body and mind a chance to settle down. Continue to do just this and start being aware of the tension that is felt in all parts of the body. With the music playing softly try to picture what is going through the mind whilst not trying to fight the myriad of thoughts and images flowing through it.

When breathing becomes slow and rhythmic start to focus on how one is feeling and try to feel the tension in the rest of the body. This allows one to become aware as to the state of stress the body is in whilst concentrating on the music in the background. One may get restless and agitated but it is best to allow these feelings to pass and enter a deeper state of consciousness.

It is never too late to start. Playing this type of music helps do just that. Taking time out is essential to healthy living.

It is quite easily accomplished. Doing this is empowering. It leaves one in a stress free state ready to tackle anything that the day has to offer.

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