
Tips In Becoming A Female Reggae Artist

By Donald Price

If this has always been your dream, then you already have a huge reason to continue pushing forward. So, allow this article to show what is needed to be done for a female reggae artist to survive in the industry. Learn how to take care of yourself before anything else and success shall follow afterwards.

The first thing which you need to worry about is hydration. Always keep a bottle of water close wherever you go. In that situation, you can manage to stay true to your genre. Criticisms will be non existent even when you are still a novice. Have the right foundation to your career and everything shall fall into place.

You ought to warm up especially when one is still applying for regular positions in restaurants. Never go to battles unprepared and try not to strain your voice too much. The best thing about your chosen genre is that one is allowed to be relaxed most of the time. Gone is the pressure to hit those high notes in your career.

You must never disregard those naps and simply give yourself the chance to relax. Remember that your new life shall be composed of a series of gigs when you do not have full control on. So, try not to be too abusive on your body. Always bring a neck pillow with you and get used to treating the road as your home.

Sleep if you can because your body can only take in so much work on a day. Also, you should learn how to say no to some unreasonable commitments. Yes, you are grabbing every opportunity which comes your way but again, there are time constraints to this industry and you need to stand your ground on that.

Try not to be a smoker from now on. You really have to make your priorities be known. Besides, this is just a small price which you have to face for the fulfillment of your dreams. So, go ahead and live a healthier life for you to have everything you need to surpass the daily challenges of your new profession.

You need to use every tool to your advantage. Take your exclusive microphone as the perfect example. You simply have to adjust it for you not to shout in all of those songs. Again, straining your voice would not do you any good at this point. Thus, preserve what would serve as your ticket to stardom and wealth.

Monitors have to be in good quality all the time. This is the reason why you have to be in the venue an hour before the gig and perform a complete sound check. Do not be too confident even when you are already a regular singer here.

Stick with your techniques unless you are able to come up with something better and original. Just be able to celebrate your authenticity one way or another. Do not fall into any trap.

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