
Early Utah Art Still Have Relevance Even Among New Generations

By Douglas Clark

Unbeknownst to everyone, the social media has given the people an impossible set of standards. When individuals in social media see posts from people criticizing the work of their fellow human being, they become less confident about expressing to the world of who they really are. That is the reason why people are letting go of their phones, and aim to acquire a new set of perspectives in life through looking at Early Utah Art which is important for every generation.

Freely expressing thoughts, ideas, and feelings is important to keep oneself sane. As the disappointments of the world keeps piling up, people tend to consider themselves as trash rather than a beautiful piece of artwork. Expressing whatever goes to your mind can actually free you from the feelings of discontentment of yourself and of the world.

Yet, showing your every color to the public can be too hard for you to do. This is primarily because of experiences of having been rejected. For one to be successful, one must erase the thoughts that are material, and greet with open arms the thoughts from the soul.

Looking at masterpieces greatly give people the positive feelings that can change how they view themselves. They will be inspired to hold a paint brush, they will feel like that the blank canvas they are painting on is actually their life. Giving themselves a fresh start, making a new version of themselves without the blemish of disappointments.

As you begin to feel goodness through looking at the masterpieces, that goodness radiates to everyone. They will see their fellow human beings as a piece of artwork, too, complex to one but easily understood by another. Expressing yourself through art lower the chances of ruining relationships.

However, are is not just for people to see something that is spectacular, also there are many forms of this. There is pottery for people who have no problems of getting their hands dirty. Photography is also a form artwork, capturing scenic views or moments of human beings can be beautiful, too. Art can be in many forms, you can make artwork through sculpting or even through words, for art is not defined by a paint brush, it is defined by its beauty and emotional power.

However, it is just about combining colors. Therefore, some begin to do art of their own have fun in splashing colors, not knowing that the fun in making artwork is different from looking at artwork. Sadly, there are some individuals take for granted the richness of their culture, however, they can rekindle their passion through going to a museum.

Before cities were modernized, these lands were filled of majestic landscapes, and instead of tall building, trees were massive. Sadly, with the arrival of technological advancements, the government and business owners are clearing the lands for them to provide homes, and build their empires.

Thus, generations should address this problem by remembering the past, appreciating the present, and aspire to be a person that affects great change for the upcoming years. This will propel them in saving Mother Earth. After all, Mother Earth is the number source of food of humans.

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