
Tips For Finding The Perfect Dallas Santa For Hire

By Arthur Murray

When you're in charge of the entertainment for the big Christmas extravaganza at the community center or your child's school, you aren't expected to book something original. All the kids want to see is the man from the North Pole. As soon as he arrives in his red suit, your job is done. Before that you have the responsibility of finding the best Dallas Santa for hire there is.

If there aren't any grandfathers or dads who want to get into costume, or can't be trusted to do a professional job, calling an agency is your next step. You don't want to take any chances with the children's safety, so requesting a copy of Santa's fingerprints before you hire him should not be a problem. You can take them to your local police station or sheriff's department for verification that the individual has a clean record.

Because this is probably going to be one of the biggest events of the year, whatever board chose you to head the entertainment should understand that planning ahead is key. You'll need to start looking at potential Santas well before Halloween. Those who know say that August and September are the months when repeat customers call to make reservations for specific actors. If you wait until November the best performers will already be booked.

Sitting on the big man's lap and telling him what they want for Christmas is really the whole point of this kind of party for the kids. Rental companies estimate that Santas can talk to about fifty kids per hour if they have to. This doesn't give kids much time to talk to him though, much less take a picture. Four minutes per child is the goal you should shoot for.

You might think placing the big man right next to a roaring fire would make for great photos. That may be true, but it will also make for a very uncomfortable performer. Those suits with the padding and boots are heavy and hot. Placing a special throne in the center of the room will accommodate the actor and make for great photos as well. You need to be in constant communication with the performer so you can announce his arrival before he's spotted.

You might be considering hiring elves and a Mrs. Claus. The professionals say that unless you have a huge space, and a lot of kids, too many characters can be overwhelming. A better idea is to let Santa be the center of attention and hire face painters and balloon artists to keep the youngsters in line occupied.

You probably need to discuss with the agency representative what employers can and can't ask Santas to do during the party. Talking to kids and taking pictures is certainly part of the job. Handing out presents, reading Christmas stories and leading the group in favorite carols is also appropriate.

It's a big responsibility being in charge of the yearly school Christmas party or community pageant. The last thing you want is for the kids to have a bad Santa experience. If you start early and ask questions, you should be able to avoid that kind of disaster.

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