
Guidelines On How To Submit Videos To MTV

By Shirley Brooks

Technology has made everything easy and fast. In the entertainment world, this led to the release of motion pictures. These motion pictures are used in movies or even in the music world. The pictures attract lots of people. In the music world, there are platforms which the artist can use to make their motion picture reach a wide fan base. The listed below are guidelines on how to submit videos to MTV.

The video must be of high quality. The tape must be in all frames being of high definition. The artists are advised to shoot the tape using apple phones or if they can afford it they can use high definition cameras. The station emphasizes the quality so as to make it compatible with their systems. It is also meant to improve the viewers experience. A lot of people are attracted to high definition tapes.

The musician needs to fill a form. This is a common and approved procedure. The aim of this procedure is to know the name of the artist, and any other musician linked with the tape. Hence when a tape goes viral the people will know the artist behind your tape. It is therefore crucial the musician fills all the slots in the form. The information they give must be the truth.

The musician must generate authentic content. There are a lot of cinematic that are sent to this platform. In order to make the cut and have the tape played on air the content must be really authentic and eye capturing. The station has loads of requests and it cannot tolerate playing BS mixtapes for the public. Authentic and innovative content will certainly be on the playlist.

The performer pays a certain amount. The platform is an income generating business like any other. It has to register profits. The artists pay for their content to be aired because if it is good they will be celebrities in no time with huge loads of cash. The small cut they pay to the station is to help the station settle its bills, pay taxes and pay all of its employees.

The tape is subjected to a committee. The committee picks out the songs which will make the playlist of that song. They look for creative stuff. They also look for comprising things, such as guns, drugs, and insults. They may ask the professional to make a few changes for them to air the audiovisual. This stage is very crucial as it gets rid of crappy songs and even hates songs.

The performer is required to build a fan foundation for their tape. A page is created before your tape goes live, the main intention being to read the general opinion of the citizens. If the opinions are encouraging and impressive then the station can air the videotape out to the public officially.

The performer must beat the cutoff date. The cutoff date is set in every week. It is usually by nine Thursday morning. This is because in every week there is a fresh mixtape that is dropped. If they beat the cutoff date, they are likely to make the playlist.

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