
Decorative Painting Patterns Are Ideal For Old Furniture

By Douglas Fisher

When a person chooses to take on decorating their home, it can be fun as well as a money saver. What some either dread or live for is the time it takes to plan, even though some people find that creating as one goes along is produces a better result. One way to get the most out of wall space is to use decorative painting patterns that complement a room theme.

Using a pattern or template can save a lot of time, especially if a person is not much into painting. By reading home decor books or magazines, anyone will discover what a big difference a little paint makes. Even renters who are unable to paint walls can see the alternatives that can transform without a lot of labor.

There are options, like using painting patterns on temporary, or removable, wallpaper that will not damage or affect the boring paint underneath. Placing accent borders near the top or bottom of a wall or a repeat pattern can add a nice touch to a space that lacks a lot of objects. Many people find that using pattern or templates gives more decorating options than using painters tape.

The type of paint used depends mostly on the project. Spray paint works mostly for objects but can be used on walls for borders or small areas. Watercolors on walls or light surfaces are great for blending effects.

Watercolors are good for blending things like floral designs but will not show up on most furnishings or dark backgrounds. For those who do not care to spend a lot of time using a brush, there are some alternatives. When it comes to small details, spray paints may be of use, or for added texture, the sponge paint methods may work.

Choosing the right paint can be tricky for those who do not paint regularly. Although watercolor paint kits do not take up a lot of space, these work best on paper surfaces. Some holiday decor kits may come with more than enough paint in seasonal colors that will only take up space once a project has been completed.

Anyone lacking ideas may want to browse the many home decor websites or periodicals. Also, books and live tutorials that are found online can also provide inspiration and possibly help someone who may find themselves a little stumped. While these are good reference points, anyone can add their own personal touches.

It may also help to peruse the paint section in craft and home decor stores and look at the different colors available. One product that is ideal for those with limited experience are sprays that give a faux finish. Someone that likes circular shapes can have these in a number of colors and textures.

These patterns also make it easier to add simple touches like glitter paint or a color that is hard to find. When visiting the paint section in hardware stores, it helps to look at the swatches and get a small can of a customized color. This can be made to match a chosen theme or something that will add contrast to an existing decor.

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