
6 Facts You Did Not Know About Surrealist Artists MI

By Edward Phillips

Art is a vast subject that you cannot learn in a single day. For instance, not many people understand about surrealism, which is a cultural movement founded in the 1920s. This movement was widely known for its writings and visual artworks. The artistes painted illogical images but had a unique photographic precision. They imagined strange creatures and painted pictures that made one's imagination to wander. The upcoming surrealist artists MI has thus have to use the same principals as their founders. However, they must first learn some facts about surrealism.

The movement of surrealism based their works on imagination by the unconscious or the subconscious. The movement was however influenced by another movement that was known as Dadaism. More so, surrealism also adopted their way of thinking from a great philosopher as well as a renowned dream expert. They used the imagination of these people to come up with their unique creativity.

Secondly, surrealism has Dadaism roots. Dadaism is a movement that was founded many decades ago. However, unlike the Dadaism movement, the imagination of the surrealist movement was inspired by the urban life. Also, surrealism stressed their creativity on positivity, unlike Dadaism which entirely used negative expressions.

It took some time before surrealism took up visual artistry. When the movement was founded, they stressed on the freedom of mind. They thus emphasized automation. Automatic writing is when one writes freely without any hindrance. Therefore, the movement had a great fear that visual artistry would wash away their imaginative writing techniques.

There are two main visual art techniques that surrealism built. This included frottage, an art where one would place a sheet of paper on a surface that is grained. Then, the artiste would rub a crayon or a pencil on the sheet of paper. Another interesting technique was called grattage that used the same principle but with the use of pigments.

Surrealism was a highly political movement. This is because they became great followers of a poet who had radical political views. The poet, who was known as Andre Breton wished to influence people and flee them from all the rationalism that was in the society. The political views of the poet influenced the movement a great deal.

Another fact is that surrealism was accused of being sexist. This is because the group photos did not feature female artistes like Lee Miller and Leonora Carrington. This made the female artistes to experiment with cross-dressing. Some of the members also ingrained sexism in their art because they depicted women as monstrous in their art. This made some women to represent themselves as animals or mythical creatures.

The surrealism movement, however, faced an enormous challenge during the 2nd World War. They all separated and ran to the US of America because of the fear of being persecuted. This did not affect their imagination. Their artworks have been carried on from century to century. Also, more and more artistes have a great interest in adopting this unique style.

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