
Reasons Proper Feeding Is Important When Preparing For Dance Competitions

By Roger Sanders

Many dancers are not sure of what they should eat during the day of the competition. Being careful on what you eat on this day is very important. However, it is also important to keep in mind that proper hydration and fueling begins with daily nutrition. Proper feeding is not only important on the day of competition. You need to check your nutrition a week before the big day because this is when you will spend most of the time practicing and rehearsing, and you will also have a lot of anxiety. Showing up for dance competitions depleted from an exhausting week of practicing is detrimental.

Just like you plan for your practice and rehearsals, it is also important to have a feeding plan. You should not put your plan in in your head as you are likely to forget. Come up with a timetable on how you will feed and tick every time you follow the plan. This will ensure that you do not do things contrary to the plan.

Be prepared in advance. As you draft the plan, get to know the foods that you can access without much hassle. This will ensure that you do not get stressed finding the food you would like to make part of your plan. There is always substitute for every meals. It is better to settle with substitutes if they are easily available and healthy to feed on.

You should also get to understand your body. For many people, anxiety about the awaiting performance may make it challenging for them to eat. You need to come up with a plan that you are confident of. Remember that everything starts in the mind.

It is possible for you to eat in a hurry due to anxiety. This is because during the last week to the competition day, time seems to run very fast. You may find yourself with too much to do and little time to do it. However, you should give yourself at least thirty minutes to eat your meals. This will help prevent bloating, indigestion and gas.

After proper feeding, you should also make sure that you take enough fluids. Water is very important to keep your metabolism balanced. The last thing you want is to experience constipation during the big day. However, do not make the mistake of taking too much water or drinks few minutes before the time of competition.

You should be careful when eating out as this may alter your feeding plan. It is better to pack your food every time to ensure that you feed healthy. However, in case you forget packing, choose foods that are in line with your plan. You should also avoid testing new good out of curiosity.

You should also remember that your body needs time to relax. Do not spend the whole night practicing on the eve of the competition day. Sleep early to ensure you wake up energetic enough to give your best shot on the day of competition.

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