
Everything You Need To Know About Caricature Houston

By Matthew Wagner

If you are a frequent reader of editorial articles and magazines, at one point you must have come across a caricature drawing. They are the artistic images that represent someone in an exaggerated and unrealistic way. For example, the subject may appear to have a relatively large head when compared to his body, or abnormally small eyes. These are all examples of what a caricaturist does. The following is an explanation on Caricature Houston.

There are numerous uses of caricature. The most famous one is to create humor. Great examples will include the cartoon pictures of famous people in magazines and other public prints. These people could be politicians or celebrities. Sometimes it is done as a political move while other times it is just to critique or make fun of people.

The biggest market for these artists are firms in the media business. However, anyone can seek their services. It could be as a gift for someone or for personal storage and viewing. Many comedians, performers, and other celebrities have their drawings for their fans and supporters. You can even have your own picture transformed into a caricature by an artist within your area or online.

Art is a sophisticated field. Unlike other professions where certification is required as proof of capability, art cannot be measured by certificates. An artist is known by their previous works. Each one tries to build the best reputation by consistently producing the best sketches. If you are looking for one, ensure that you view several of their works so as to know what to expect.

For those seeking to learn how to become a caricaturist, the easiest way is to learn from other skilled artists. In Houston alone, you can find several art schools that offer lessons on how to become one. An example is the Art League Houston and Art Lessons. You can also find other institutions that offer online classes. Another option is to hire a private tutor. They are more effective but also costly.

The history of this form of art goes as far as 1762. This is when the first book with such drawings was published. Other great works include drawings by Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Rowlandson, and James Gillray. One distinct characteristic about these drawings is that they were either done as a mockery of the subject, say a political statement, or for entertainment. Where it is done for humor, slight mockery was allowed.

As earlier stated, each sketcher has their own method of doing it. But the procedure is basically the same. First, he or she must identify the source image. The most appropriate one is a realistic, high quality photo with all the necessary details. The drawing could be that of an imaginary being such as monsters. The second part is the crucial one. It is where he actually generates the final drawing.

Famous artists in Houston include The Cartoon Boy, Caricature Artist Mac, Jody The Artist, Jonathan Sorrells, Tom Rye, Bonnie Blue, WOW Party Arts, Artsy Events and many others. The internet is a priceless source to find them together with their charges, duration, location, availability and typically any other information.

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