
The Prejudice Examples In Cinema Behind The Black Panther Success And The Supremacist Bigotry Behind That Success

By P. L. Duff

None of the Marvel movies has achieved the success of the Black Panther movie. And this despite the fact that the movie store the Avengers, Spiderman, the X-Men, and the fantastic four, were all blockbusters. And the supremacist bigotry behind the billion-dollar jackpot of the Black Panther movie in less than a month is what I want to talk about today.

When you actually see movies like Superman, Wonderwoman, Thor from Asgard, or super beings like Galactus, or Thanos, or Darkside, what do you really see? What you actually see is a lingering Supremacist Bigotry mindset And Other Prejudice Examples that stretches everywhere throughout the cosmos and throughout all history past, present and future.

Then there's Heimdal a black Norse God who held outside to man the entrance to Asgard. Home to Thor A Norse God of white European immortals. Now I don't know about you, but this truly sounds very familiar to me?

How about Thor of Asgard? A Norse God from a race of white European immortal gods. Am I Correct? Wait a minute? Don't we have Heimdal a black immortal all-seeing God? Yes, we do. A black God... who is kept outside the city to man the gates. Why does this sound familiar to me?

You also had the Silver Surfer who was a servant of Galactus from Zen Laa populated by of course white European aliens. And the being Galactus the Silver surfer's master comes from the world of TAA inhabited by white European aliens that existed in a universe previous to our own.

Even the Bjorans, the Klingons the Ferengi, the trill, the rulers of the Dominion, the Vulcans, the Romulans, and the Cardashians of star trek fame were all advanced white European beings with a few blacks ones downgraded to simple submissive positions. And this Supremacist Bigotry frame of mind continues.

But the first movie, to challenge that Supremacist Bigotry frame of mind was Men In Black. The movie showed alien beings who looked neither like white European aliens or like humans Unlike another popular show, in which you had white European Klingons, Ferengi, Bjorans, trill, Romulans, Cardashians, Vulcans, and even the rulers of the Dominion, with a minority of token blacks in meek positions.

How about the once popular show Stargate SG1? Or Stargate Atlantis? You had the Ancients, the Nox, the Ori, the Wraith, the Replicators, the Goauld, all white European aliens along with just about every other planet the stargate travelers went to through that stargate! Its no wonder why movies like Men In Black became an instant hit. For the first time, you not only saw aliens who did not look like white European aliens, they didn't even look human!

Now you would think that films like these are just fictional entertainment with no basis in the actual world we live in. However, the real problem arises when this supremacist bigotry attitude starts dripping into reality with self-worshiping versions of replacement. Here are three examples below of exactly what I'm talking about.

Now these along with all of the other movies is from the Marvel cinematic verse are just fiction right? I mean they have no basis in reality at all. Well, this is where I see the problem of the lingering supremacist bigotry mindset spilling over into reality. The problem with this mindset is that people start subconsciously believing this so much that they start replacing history with their own crazy versions of themselves.

The current Statue of Liberty is a white woman standing in New York Harbor. But the original statue is a black woman standing in St Martin in the Caribbean today. It was given by the French anti-slavery society for black African slaves only. This is the second example of a black person turned into a white person.

The second example is a famous statue donated by the French anti-slavery society. It was donated specifically for black African slaves. That statue exists right here in New York City. And it's called the Statue of Liberty. The original statue was a black woman replaced by the current version of a white woman. It stands in St Martin in the Caribbean today.

And finally, you have a white European Jesus, making it obvious that this is a supremacist bigotry way of thinking along with other prejudiced examples. And it's disturbingly unyielding in an attempt to replace all of human history with twisted interpretations of themselves. What do you think of this?

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