
Play Car Games That Are Educational And Great Fun

By Kimberly Clark

If the movies are to be believed, road trips are either a complete disaster or the best fun you can have in your life. The reality of a long journey is finding ways to combat the boredom. Travelling with young children can be particularly trying and one way to keep them happy is to play car games.

Teenagers are usually easy to keep entertained. A tablet or phone for music and internet access will keep them busy using social media or playing the latest game. Toddlers and babes are often lulled to sleep by the rhythm of the vehicle or can be soothed with cuddly toys. The ages in between need a little more to stop them asking when will we get there every few minutes.

There are a number of ways to entertain the children and keep them busy on your journey. If there is plenty to see along the route make a long list of things for each child and they can check off things they see. Whoever sees most wins a small prize. Keep in mind where you are driving as Seattle might not have too many cows and you will have trouble spotting the Space Needle in Texas.

A game involving numbers can be fun and educational. Starting at number one, everyone in the car takes a turn to count up until one hundred. To help teach times tables substitute every number divisible five with a funny word. You can make it harder or easier depending on the age of the children or give each child a different task and word. Points are won if they get it right, lost if they get it wrong and award a bonus if they pick up on someone else getting it wrong.

Try playing hum that tune if the family loves music. One person hums a few notes of a well known song and everyone has to guess the song. Make it harder by humming fewer notes or have a theme like themes from television shows. For those who are not so musical perhaps try describing the TV show or let everyone have a giggle at the bad singing.

If your journey involves a lot of freeway driving there might not be much to look at except other vehicles. Try spotting unusual vehicles like a VW bug or something bright yellow. The person that spots the vehicle first can pick the next thing to look out for. Make a rule that it has to be something plausible.

On busy holidays and when weather is bad you may find yourself stuck in traffic. On the freeway you can look out for a person wearing glasses or with red hair. Again, the person who spots first gets to pick the next thing to look for. Alternately each have a different thing to spot and whoever gets to ten first wins.

No matter how long your trip it need not be boring. There are many ways to keep the kids interested and learn at the sane time. Have fun on your road trip.

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