
How DWI Lawyers Assist People Who Are Charged With Driving While Intoxicated NJ

By Elizabeth Collins

In New Jersey, driving while intoxicated is a serious traffic violation. The penalties for DWI include probation, fines, jail time and the revocation of your drivers license. If they are facing charges of driving while intoxicated NJ dwellers should prepare the best defense possible. There are no jury trials for DUI in NJ. Therefore, it is essential to hire a DWI lawyer to prepare a strong defense to present to the judge who will preside over your case.

A DWI attorney knows a lot about how the court system operates. He or she also knows about the new regulations and laws. The lawyer can therefore analyze your case in different angles to determine the best way to defend you. He or she will do everything necessary to have the charges dropped or reduce your fine or jail sentence.

When you hire a lawyer, you will also benefit from the services of his or her professional team. Attorneys often work with other lawyers or private investigators to gather detailed information or conduct background investigations about a case. Your lawyer will prepare a report, which is based on the findings of the professional team to provide the needed facts in your case. If anyone witnessed your arrest, the lawyer can cross examine him or her to put together answers in your defense.

A DWI lawyer can use a number of defenses after evaluating your case. One of them is the illegitimate stop. The lawyer will consider the way a law enforcement officer pulled you over. If the police officer lacked probable cause to make the initial stop, you could have a valid defense. The probable cause may include an easily visible defect in the safety equipment of your car, a traffic violation and a particular kind of driving style, which could indicate that you were driving while under the influence of drugs alcohol.

Another defense strategy is to cite improper police actions. Your lawyer can use this strategy if the law enforcement officer who made the arrest violated any of your civil rights. For instance, your lawyer can provide evidence that the police officer acted inappropriately after pulling you over or after the arrest.

Your attorney can also ask the court to drop your charges if there is proof of a mistake in the field sobriety test. At times, police officers administer field sobriety tests improperly or the results used to arrest a person may not be accurate. For instance, a test known as the horizontal gaze nystagmus is challenged many times because of errors in detecting eye movements, which may be associated with being intoxicated.

You may also have a valid defense if the police officer who arrested you used an inaccurate portable breathalyzer. A DWI lawyer can question if the police officer was skilled in using a breathalyzer and whether the device was subjected to routine maintenance and calibration. The lawyer will also ask if there were intervening factors like vomiting before the test was performed.

An experienced DWI attorney knows the questions that will be asked in court and can collect evidence that will be beneficial for your case. The attorney can also review all the documentation and find out if it has any inaccuracies. He or she will eradicate all the weaknesses in your case so that you will achieve the fairest outcome

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