
Role Of Dance Competitions Michigan In The Society

By Thomas Murphy

A dance competition accrues a pool of benefits to both the performers and the society in general. It energizes and captivates the performers as they dance thereby giving them the best feeling ever. Similarly, it is of benefit to a society. In both the modern social setting and anciently, dance competitions Michigan were used to mark the day in various ceremonies like marriage, birth, sanctifying the gods and even naming ceremonies. In the current civilized setting, they are greatly embraced in educational centers for academic purposes.

It is, therefore, an ornamental product of the entire society where they are sourced and the primary role they play. The whole context of the competition is determined by the specific setting where it is performed majorly at the societal level. Similarly, it is recently used as an efficient tool for learning in a modern school environment where it is widely practiced in all learning institutions. Therefore, it has portrayed various roles which are of great vitality to the entire society or institution.

These competitions expand social and cultural interaction thereby providing an overall community feeling of togetherness and well-being. This art is focused on its cathartic value on the pent-up emotions of dancers which render them unison of rhythmical patterns of a song and dance structure. It finally makes the performers efface their cultural differences as they compete.

The competition is also characterized by its motivational aspect the performer gains as they dance. The performers get imparted by motivation from various competent dances thereby providing in them-self discipline which is evidenced in their changed social way of life. It also accompanies a sense of self-drive which guides them on ethical issues of fairness and equity.

Scholarly studies have made it crystal clear that; dancing is one of the fancy recreational activities which stress more on physical exercising. This physical activity plays crucial tasks in the bodies of the performers as such an art is responsible for proper brain functioning. Thus it improves their general health. Therefore, a dancing society is a healthy one.

Moreover, it opens up the dancers to gain more knowledge and relevant skills in their training. It thus engages the performers in constructive ways rather than being held up somewhere contributing to social evil in the street life. Therefore, they are motivated on how to spend their funds earned on community development activities like joining the membership of humanitarian organizations move or been benevolent to charitable organizations.

The social aspects of this art open various opportunities for friendship and enable people to co-exist in harmony through the discipline nurtured in them through training dancing techniques. This further results in social cohesion as performers who most probably come from variant cultural backgrounds intermingle and share cultural practices through dancing.

Thus, this art plays an essential role in a society in economic, social and political aspects of the society. Therefore, the art is also responsible for building the supporting pillars of a society as it fosters social virtues like generosity, togetherness, social cohesion and peaceful co-existence.

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