
Reasons Why People Do Not Prefer Going To EDM Concerts

By Deborah Murphy

At present day, music continues to diversify and further expand into different genres and sub categories that have helped define various styles and genres. With each genre of musical styles, its listeners and fans have different ways of expressing their admiration and the elation they feel with their preferred songs and musicians. For instance, men and women that love listening to opera prefer going to fancy concert halls that amplify the quality of sound and the voices of the performers, since their talent and its quality is better heard and appreciated in this format.

One genre that has touched a more youthful demographic is that of electronic dance music and in other cultures may also be referred to as club songs or dance. Often times, these are played by disc jockeys who sample other works and use a basic or extensive amount of percussive instruments or digital programs and are played in places like night clubs, rave parties, and festivals. However, the industry has become highly saturated and its quality has diminished with each new trend that comes along. Following this trail of thought, the following paragraphs will relay the top reasons why people do not prefer going to EDM concerts Miami.

Perhaps the biggest reason why folks feel discouraged to join these events is its heavy association with recreational drug use. It is not a well kept secret that most goers are men and women that engage by selling, using, or doing both these things with methamphetamine. More commonly known as ecstasy and molly, it has been associated with the scene for its properties that according to its users, enhances the sound and completes the entire experience.

When advertised, it includes big names and trendsetters within the industry in its headline. However, most organizers throw in these big names but play a lot of unheard of local talent that people did not pay to watch. These are done in between the big names to avoid losing the crowd and to keep them from leaving. Due to this, one cannot be guaranteed that the persons performing are actually any good or not.

Following this reasoning, it pleads to ask concerning their integrity and real abilities or ability that these so called artists have. It is obvious exactly how digital dancing songs is made and many times, these video jockey depend on old products for tasting and their use of tools and various other electronic programs in its development. Rarely exist brand-new musicians that make use of real tools or their very own job and a lot of them utilize an attempted and checked formula, leaving no opportunity for technology or including something brand-new to the sector. Individuals wonder about why they must pay for something that they or a buddy o their own could do for cost-free.

Furthermore, the prices are generally too high and much too expensive for something that is not of high quality or worth the price being paid for. The entire event is most likely filled with booths and stalls from big time corporations and while there are independent or local shops around, most of it are franchises with prices inflated so high that purchasing basic supplies like water or food will end up with an empty wallet. The tickets are incredibly high as well, and it does not even includes the extra fee added for taxes and the like.

Apart from this, the EDM genre is best defined by its crowd of party goers, which are mostly underage children. While most do not allow entry for folks that are not eighteen years old and above, some will defy these rules and come anyway, which is too young to be exposed to this kind of crowd. Furthermore, it ruins the quality and atmosphere because younger crowds tend to over indulge in drinks and become too boisterous, spoiling the experience for others since they do not know how to act yet.

Apart from the usage of recreational drugs, alcoholic beverages are available too. This means there will be a plethora of drunken men and women that no longer have the capacity to get up or go to the bathroom in their own. Whenever drinks and over indulgence occurs, it most likely leads to disaster, including vomit or spilled drinks and crowds breaking out in fights over petty things and arguments.

Apart from this, the fashion is horrible with the excuse of goers as simply a reason to wear something they would not normally wear on an ordinary day. If that was the reasoning behind their though process, it should be noted that there exists a reason why they do not go around donning it normally. The results are trashy articles of clothing that do not even fit properly, which distracts others and not with good reason too.

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