
Basic Details Regarding Controlled Dangerous Substance

By Ann Long

There are several substances that an individual is prohibited to possess due to the danger they might pose to others or the person himself. That is done in ensuring the safety of everybody in the society since these things may be harmful and could be used to do crimes. They can be the reason also for individuals in becoming criminals.

This is why avoiding to possess them is important as well as having the right prescription if ever these are needed for medical purposes. This is because getting caught with the possession of controlled dangerous substance NJ is a criminal offense and illegal. You will be charged because of this by local prosecutors when you get caught with it.

The CDS examples include cocaine, heroin, LSD and marijuana that is defined illegal and possessing them is prohibited and illegal. Having the intent to manufacture, dispense, use or distribute them is not necessary for them to charge you. Possessing them is just enough for charging you and building a case against you to have a court trial.

Possessing them could either mean an actual possession or a constructive one which the former term indicating the person has them with him like having them in your hand or pocket. This type is called knowing also based on the wording with the statue because of having physical control over the substance directly. The latter means knowingly have the intention or power to exercise control anytime over it.

Example of this is having them on the glove compartment of your car or inside your medicine cabinet at home. The prosecutors will need to prove you knowingly or intentionally possessed the CDS which means the charge may not stick by just being near them. Your defense could be strengthened by proving you have no knowledge of it being there and someone else placing it there.

You are capable of using the prescription which your physician has provided you as your defense with possessing the CDS found on you. The penalties of getting convicted with possession of them though depends on if this offense is the first, repeated charges will result in heftier fines and longer sentences.

If ever you are charged with this offense then search online for a lawyer which could help you on this problem. You might request also from your relatives, colleagues and friends for some recommendations. They may have needed one previously and will share their experiences of getting their services.

Perform a background check about them too to determine the knowledge, capabilities and experience of the lawyer on this type of cases. Make sure they practice their profession in the state you live in so you would know they are knowledgeable of the laws there. This is important due to the states having differences with their laws of these issues.

Inquire how much is their professional fee in representing you at court for these cases. Set an initial consultation appointment first with them in order to know the plans for defending you. Others offer freely these consultations initially so prioritize them.

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