
Qualities To Look For In A Dancer During A Latin Dancing Greater Toronto Area Competition

By Karen Patterson

Dance is a form of art that has been embraced across the world by different religions and cultures. It is used as a way of having fun or as a means of expressing oneself. The Latin dancing Greater Toronto Area competitions aim to find the best dancers who are capable of having fun and at the same time send a message to the audience. They search for these talents from different places to find the best among the chosen best.

People competing are required to have the capability of responding to the rhythm of a song of their choice. Such a person is expected to dance to the song. He or she should neither be too fast nor too slow. This allows the audience to follow up with the dance and get the message that it is supposed to portray. Some individuals mimic the lyrics of the song, and this brings out the beauty and importance of the dance more clearly.

Accordingly, the dancers are supposed to be flexible enough. To change from one style to another easily, it is required to have a flexible body that can manage to incorporate different styles with a smooth flow. Judges search for unique moves and the only way to come up with one is by being flexible. Flexibility also helps in synching with different rhythms of songs which can either be fast or slow. This trait also leads to having self-confidence while performing.

Everyone has unique qualities that define who we are, and one of them is dancing. Sometimes it can be a natural talent. This comes as a plus as one does not have to struggle during the competition. However, the talent should be adorned with sufficient training and hard work for commendable results. The training is not usually hard for a talented person as it is easier for them to move with any new style.

Another trait that must come out is passion. It is a great thing to find a talented individual who not only knows how to synchronize their moves but is also passionate about the art itself. Passion results into movements that come from deep down their souls. This is the fire that drives the best moves.

They should also be passionate about what they do. Anything done with passion eventually results in success. Having the required skills, flexibility and practices without a passion can lead to failure. When they are passionate, they will be enjoying themselves on stage hence produce great results.

Moreover, they are required to be observant when it comes to time. A good choreography needs one to be time conscious of every second count. It is also generally required to report for the competitions on time. This is a good quality that will add the dancer points from the judges. It will reflect their interest and availability for the competition.

Therefore, there is always something unique in every person. However, some particular qualities will find a way of coming out in an exemplary individual. The bottom line is that great dancers always know what they want and will always show their passions and skills. A keen judge will always see such qualities amidst the sea of other individuals.

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