
Directing, Teaching And Composing With Music Pedagogy Methods

By Carolyn Wood

When desiring to instruct or teach piano or voice lessons, individuals will need to know Music Pedagogy Methods. For, a degree in this area can provide individuals for a number of related careers. As such, whether desiring to teach in a classroom or direct a symphony, this can often be a good educational path. After which, the individual will have a number of options when it comes to developing a career.

While theory focuses on music and musicians, pedagogy provides the methods and principles necessary to teach others. In most cases, individuals holding a degree in this area can compose, teach and perform. Whereas, if interested in other related classes and programs, a number of options can be found on Study dot com and similar websites. It is important that before taking any online class or registering for a program that one assures it is offered by an accredited college or university.

Before approaching a Masters or Doctorate in this area, undergraduates need select a related major or minor. Some of these include history of music, theory, performance and composition. After which, students can often opt to get an advanced degree in Music Pedagogy or become a Dr. Of Musical Arts in Voice or Piano Pedagogy.

When desiring to study in this area, there are often programs related to instruments, theories, composition and literature. In most cases, those studying instruments in this area are studying piano and voice. Whereas, there are also some courses which can be required whether planning on obtaining a Master's or Doctorate.

The most common degrees associated with Voice or Piano Pedagogy are a Bachelor's Degree in Musical Arts, a Masters Degree in Musical Education or a D. M. A. In Musical Education. For, all of these degrees can provide the information and instruction necessary for an individual to become involved in instructing, teaching, composing or directing. Whether teaching at a community college, private institution or providing lessons in a home, it is the work of these individuals which leads to the success of others.

As learning and instruction in this regard is hands-on, students are often required to attend classes on campus. While this is the case, there may be some subjects in which coursework towards a degree can be completed online. If and when this is the case, it is important to discuss the option with an advisor to assure that all credits acquired will work towards the total required for graduation.

There are a number of areas in which an individual with a Master's in the area can become employed. These include working as a community college teacher or private instructor. Whereas, those with a Doctorate can often work with students to prepare the individuals in the art of directing and composing. In most cases, those taking jobs related to direction and composition are going to receive the most income.

In most areas, the median wage for an instructor or teacher is approximately $35,000 per year. Whereas, those holding doctorate degrees can often earn between $50 and $75,000 per year depending on the position. As such, it often pays to continue studies as a graduate student and earn a doctorate degree. After which, the individual has many more options when it comes to working in different areas of the music industry.

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