
The Principles Of Acrylic Abstract Paintings

By Joseph Bell

People are always looking to decorate the house with wall art. This can come in the form of realistic oil paintings or basic prints. However, acrylic abstract paintings have really taken over in a big way. There is so much that you can get out of an abstract work of art. Not only are some of these paintings truly beautiful, but you also begin to feel various emotions.

Many people have little understanding for abstract paintings. They are under the impression that these paintings are not worth the money that they are advertised at. However, it is the same people that usually don't understand the techniques and what actually comes out of the painting. At the end of the day, you have to look at the whole piece.

It is not just the painting where you will be looking at a landscape with different colors and shapes. There are feelings and emotions that also come to the surface. It can be different for everyone. People who may not understand this, may just see a big mess. However, when you have a love for abstraction you will begin to see something quite different.

Some abstract artists use more dramatic colors. They will use hues which are deep and contrast one another. For example, a black background will be painted with bright colors in the foreground, making use of a unique design. Other artists will create something that is more subtle. It will be more tranquil when certain colors are used. Pastel hues will create a sense of peace and serenity. An ocean scene will work well in a case like this.

You will also create a lot of great effects when you paint in layers. People will paint on the canvas using different colors. They may blend colors in. They will also just use one color and allow this to dry before adding another color on top. When you spray water on top or you scrape a section off, the layer underneath will be revealed.

Of course, different artists have their various styles. You will begin to see this as they produce more work. Sometimes it is more subtle. However, other times you really can't miss this. You may find that an artist is very dramatic, using certain colors which help the painting to stand out. Other times the artist will use a theme that people will relate to. It may be something that is appropriate for the office.

Acrylics dry very quickly. This can be a negative aspects because you have to work quickly. However, many people will find this to be a bonus because they want to work quickly and they don't have to wait a long time for the paint to dry. They can mix the acrylics with other things like gesso and modelling paste. You can water down the paint and this will allow it to have a runny consistency.

You can also focus on using colors that are suitable. For example, you have to know what colors red go with. Colors that clash are going to ruin the painting. Many people also are not sure where to apply texture. Too much texture does not work well. It is better to apply this in one area, such as to the focal point. This will draw the eye to this area and help it to stand out.

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