
Photography Equipment Used In Virtual 360 Tours

By Mary Sullivan

One of the newest forms of entertainment is online touring. What better way to visit other countries and well known landmarks than through Virtual 360 Tours. Whether previewing for a potential trip or just wanting to experience other cultures, this type of touring can be a fun way to do so. In addition, it is also a good way to take a beautiful vacation without ever leaving home.

While there are some free photographs and videos of this nature, most videos have a price. While this is the case, most visitors agree the experience is often worth the cost. Whereas, in order to see the content in person, it would cost far more than the price of a 360 virtual video.

AirPana was one of the first to develop this new technology. While this is the case, there are other companies currently involved in research and development of similar applications and programs. Basically, the photographs are created by using multiple cameras. Whereas, these videos also known as spherical or immersive videos are created using a multitude of equipment.

When it comes to photography, multiple cameras or an omnidirectional camera are often used in the process. After which, the photographs are stored online. Once this is the case, individuals can play back photographs using a viewer which allows the photographs to work as a panorama. An equirectangular projection system is often used in the creation of videos with a stereoscopic or monoscopic camera.

The difference between monoscopic and stereoscopic is whether using one video camera or multiple video cameras. One problem with this type video is that there are often issues in the middle of the picture. Whereas, the top and bottom are almost always clear. While this is the case with pictures and video, the sound is also different between monoscopic and stereoscopic equipment.

A number of specialized cameras and rigs have been developed for use with this new technology. Currently, there is a great deal of research and development with regards to the clarity of video. Whereas, there are other companies which are looking at how to best enter the field of competition in the area. Once this happens, the cost of videos and photographs will most likely go down over time.

These videos are generally viewed using personal computers, mobile devices or dedicated head mounted displays such as Virtual Reality headgear. When viewing on smart phones, there are internal sensors like the gyroscope which can be used to pan across images. While virtual reality headgear can be used to view these videos, it should be noted that it is often advised not to use a virtual reality headset for more than 30 to 55 minutes per session.

When it comes to websites providing these videos, some have memberships while others place a price on each video. While this is the case, there are a number of reasons why, even if a video of this type cost money, it can be beneficial to pay to watch. For example, previewing an area before vacation, looking at other cultures for a class project, or simply for entertainment.

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