
Benefits Of Dance Competitions To The Community

By Jessica Sullivan

Competitive dancing is a famous widespread sport in which the participants are allowed to perform permitted dances. The styles permitted include, lyrical, jazz, ballet, hip-hop, musical theater among others. The dancing industry has seen a tremendous growth in many states. This is evident with the increased number of dancing institutions. In both rural and urban setups, the sport has played a significant role in both commercially and socially. This is an article about dance competitions.

It is a source of employment. Many dancing schools, studios, and colleges play an important role in creating local employment for people. In each institution, there are teachers or instructors who are employed to coach their students. To add on that, the subordinate staff is also employed by the local society. This becomes their source of income.

The event has seen the improvements in many cultural settings of a community. The cultural achievements vary from both the young to the elderly. The competitions also encourage interactions among members. Many of the ethnical dances and songs convey a strong feeling of togetherness in a community. The passing of this culture from generation to generation has seen the continuity of cultural norms and beliefs.

The contest induces self discipline among its participants. The children are motivated on how to acquire the virtue. This has helped many of them not to end up lingering in the streets. They are taught how to put to work their energy in constructive activities. Discipline is acquired through the learning process and mastery of body movements. The pupils are also encouraged to participate in communal activities such as raising money fully.

It acts a tool to foster relations. This is because, during the competitions, people from different ethnicity interact and create friendship ties. Regardless of their age, people associate freely and all participate in activities of the day. The elderly are in most cases not left behind; they interact with the young ones during the competitions.

The sport is well known for the role it has played in the health of a community. The competitions have helped in achieving the fitness of most of its participants. This is through the physical exercises that are involved during practice. It also affects the mental state of participants. It assists them on how to balance not only their physical balance but their emotional state. The mind becomes active and assists in the well being of an individual.

The various stages of challenges provide a realistic ladder of progression. The participants work as a team during the events. They are taught on how to work and appreciate teamwork during the exercise and presentations. These qualities of teamwork and cooperation are important for a peaceful co-existence of a community. Therefore the society enjoys the benefits of unity among all members.

The schools of dance in the society help improve the living standards of a community. The schools provide workshops to both the students and members of the public. They are enlightened on the importance of the competitive dancing to all. The events provide resources that help develop the community. This helps improve the way of life of its people.

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