
Songs Of Deliverance For Those People Who Are Lost

By Rebecca Kennedy

Living in this world is not absolutely simple. Unlike the movies, you would never know if you will have a happy ending here on Earth or not. Your life, regardless how strong or healthy you could be right now, you might lose them in the future. They could be next week, next day, and even later. You are just a small dot of sand that exist in this world.

Truly, you could not help but be scared. Unlike God, you have your own weaknesses. You got your own limits. That might be true. However, even with these problems, never ever try to abandon God. If you like to know why He is doing such a thing, you better do your best to meet Him in heaven. Better do that than to abandon God. A life without Him is like life without any direction or lamp. That is how valuable is He. Therefore, treasure your bonds and relationship with Him. Whenever you are sad or extremely lonely, try to call for His guidance. Make sure to sing the songs of deliverance.

Nobody knows what God is thinking right now. Despite with this, you could greatly affirm that God is not a bad creator. If that was not the case, He would never send His only begotten son to save the world from sins. Lord Jesus Christ is the same too. This is just a temporary world.

Do what you can as a human being. God asks you to rely on Him. That is why rely on His words and His promise. Trust Him. Certainly, there might be tons of episodes in your life when you cannot figure out His real intentions.

It is not just the belief that matters, though. It is the attitude that you would get from believing in Him. No one has the right to instruct and dictate your faith. However, as someone responsible for it, make sure to wake up from the lies. Face the reality. Embrace His words.

He never even tried to abandon you. Even before you were born, He already saves your sins. He does not need anything from you. From what He is right now, you could say that He is already complete. Even so, even with all of these, He decided to attend to your needs and watch over you. Even if it is death, try not to fear.

If the Lord managed to abandon His wealth in heaven just to help and save the less fortunate, you have no right to keep your wealth all by yourself. Be kind. Live just like the Lord teaches you. Read the Bibles. Always choose a decision that would please Him.

Before you become His friends, though, the Lord needs you to become His well trusted disciple. Work for His name. Today, a lot of people around must be saved. Help them find salvation. Stop being too lonely. You are not really alone in this world. Never be scared. Jesus Christ is just behind you.

Whenever you fall, make some mistakes, and cry, He would certainly rescue you. Now, perform your best to stay loyal to Him. Consider Him as someone who is part of your soul. Thinking that way, stop committing hideous acts and mistakes. Continuously doing that would certainly affect your soul. It would really hurt Lord Jesus Christ.

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