
Contemporary Art Displays As A Feature In The Home

By Karen Fisher

Art is a subjective matter, with each person's view being different. When putting art into a house, it personalizes the space and makes it individual and unique. Just because the contemporary art displays in a public gallery look fabulous, does not mean it will work in your own living room and for your family.

A warm touch is to use photographs that have been passed down through generations in your own family. Even if you have photos that are water damaged, or torn, there are likely to be several people that can offer the service to repair and touch up your precious photographs. The pictures can be reprinted after repair to make them look new.

Use the area of wall in your casual living room to create a wall of photographs that will tie the decor together and make the room feel more homely. You will need to start planning the layout ahead as once the frames are fitted they should be complementary to the overall look and feel of the room.

Spend some time collecting the frames and pay attention to local thrift shops as well as people selling personal items at yard sales. It's also possible to find a good selection if you scour your local decor stores. Once they are all filled with pictures and hung on the wall, you will have an overall impression of a mismatched collection that holds beautiful pictures.

To bring the collection together and prevent it from looking too mismatched, you can use a computer program to edit your digital prints before printing them out. You can alter the tone of them to keep them with a similar theme, such as monochromatic. Mark off an area on the floor and start arranging your frames to fit into the shape. It might take a bit of work but it really is the best way to do it. Retain an outline shape such as a square to retain a balanced visual.

If you opt for matching your frames, the layout will be a lot easier to do. Pick bold black frames and set them out in a formal pattern with identical spacing between every picture for an aesthetically pleasing result. They could be in three rows of five frames or keep to a square of four rows of four frames. With a monochromatic frame plan, keep your photos in color for the best result.

If you are wanting to use a particular theme for your photographs, avoid filling a wall with photos from a specific event. Rather select your favorite pictures from that family get together or your cousin's graduation and use those. You may like to use a theme of purely nature pictures all taken on various hiking trips or family vacations. The collection will expand and grow over time.

The pleasing visual of having personal pictures and memories displayed in your home is also very personal and unique to a family. They will look attractive as well as adding the finishing embellishment to a room that is integral to the home.

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