
Characteristics Of A Good Pop Reggae Artist

By Cynthia Carter

To the soul music is referred as its food by lots of people. We tune in to the music when we are in a joyous or frustrating situation. They make our moods merrier. They do this with the lyrics that talk about our situations. The lyric makes us feel there are other people who are going through the same situation and we are not alone. Music has a lot of branches each branch with great musicians. Below are features of a pop reggae artist.

The songs have teachings. Good music is not just made of tones. The singer has a teaching they have imprinted on their music. The teachings may be about our economic ways, the government and politics it may also be about our culture. The teachings are set to illuminate the masses on these issues. The teachings are so mighty it is not easy for one to just pass them by without listening. The teachings are set to impact our way of life.

They are inventive. The only way to attract the public to listen to your music is by doing something no one is doing. They do this by writing some pretty amazing lyrics which most people can relate to. The producing process also shows some level of inventiveness. The producing unit has to come up with beats that are new. However, the pounds may be new but they ought to be amusing to the audience ears for them to listen.

The performer has a superb voice. To pull through in this showbiz your voice plays a major role. Showbiz is molded around this attribute. Each time the performer hits the microphone in the studios or in the shows the audience cannot get enough of the voice. It is one of their biggest gains. An awful voice cannot make it because of the high tones. They would fail miserably trying to hit them. Therefore a good voice is essential to music.

They hold their ground on specific issues. Our community is not perfect. It is raided by some problems like skin color segregation, excessive use of force by police, lack of love and harmony in some communities. The singers often try to rectify these situations by including them in their music. They lead the fight against these problems. They even hold fundraisers to let the people know, and to raise cash to aid in the fight.

They have excellent communication skills. The artists are often called to interviews; they may be called to conferences or even to be motivational speakers. They manage all these talks by having excellent communication skills. Their written and non-written queues are amazing. They get their points across with little or no stress.

The personnel possess humility. A lot of the artistes are blessed with fortune, power and popularity. Any person who wields that it is obvious they would be so full of themselves but not these singers. The performers know that all they possess came from the people. They stay humble to uplift their audience.

The singers are diligent. They are always engaged in a lot of activities, like quality song writing. They may also be expected to do world tours and organize charity parties. To pull all off this they must show high level of diligence otherwise the pressure will break. Being a singer is a lot harder than people presume.

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