
Metal Stamp Experts: How To Choose The Right Company

By Thomas West

Various industries utilize stamped parts for the purpose of machining and tooling. Ordering feeds, dies and the rest of the stamped metal parts is simpler when you conversant with a few crucial facts. The following is what metal stamp experts expect you to have knowledge of when you want to order stamped metal parts.

What Is Metal Stamping? This can also be referred to as pressing. It employs various methods to transform sheet metal into a desired piece of a component. The different processes encompass using a stamping press for stamping, embossing, bending, punching using a machine press, coining and flanging. In some situations, stamping in just a one step procedure whereas in others it is a sequence of steps to get to the finished product.

What Relationship do You Want? Before you place a call to get a quote, think about what your relationship with metal stamping experts. Exactly what do you hope to gain from it? Some of the more obvious reasons to work directly with a stamping company include: Perfectly customized parts for your machinery, Reduced manufacturing costs, Improved quality of your products, Increased productivity in your plant and Design advice and expertise.

These are much more ethereal needs than the actual parts you're planning to order, but understanding what you need from the company you're hiring will help you evaluate whether the companies you review will be able to deliver.

Medical- Most medical equipment and machinery require precision engineering, stamping and die to cut. Stamping companies may create the die components used to cast metal or plastic parts, or cut, stamp and assemble cases, frames and other parts for X-ray machines and other imaging equipment, monitors and respirators. On the low end, medical supply companies use servo feeds, air feeds, conveyor belts and dies to make and package the hundreds of thousands of disposable laboratory specimen and collection cups, paper gowns and more. In short, the metal stamping industry delivers convenience, efficiency, and sanitary conditions to the medical field.

Servo Feeds- The fastest growing trend for many machining industries is the servo feed. Servo feeds are extremely versatile and are capable of feeding material in any position of the ram stroke. This allows for longer feeds. Part geometry isn't an issue because they don't require half the stroke of the machine as mechanical roll feeds do.

Lighting- From bases to hoods, the lighting industry makes use of many stamped and cut metal components. If your factory, school, public building or retail space uses fluorescent lights, you should know that the frames and backs were created using metal stamping equipment and material handling equipment. Even the shop lights you hang in your home workshop were probably touched by a stamping machine at some point.

Automotive- The automotive industry likely tops all others when it comes to using stamped metal goods and components. From body and chassis parts to brake rotors, there are few systems in any motor vehicle that are not created by stamping, cutting and shaping many metal parts and then fitting them together. And that's in addition to the many types of conveyors, air feeds, and servo feeds that are involved in putting the car together for you.

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