
Avoiding Common Mistakes People Make With Contemporary Art Displays

By Henry Brooks

You don't have to own an art gallery to enjoy beautiful artwork. Displaying pieces in the privacy of your home can be a great way to decorate rooms with the things you love. If you are a professional designer, you will probably avoid the pitfalls that plague many amateurs, but even amateurs can take some simple steps to ensure their contemporary art displays are effective and pleasurable.

Everyone has, at one time, walked into a home and seen artwork that is hung too high. This is probably the most common mistake people make when displaying paintings and other works. Artwork should be hung at eye level, not floating above it alone on a wall. It sometimes helps to have more than one person tackling the job of hanging paintings.

Whether they are large or small, all rooms have scale. When you put something on a wall that doesn't match the scale of the room it will either overwhelm the space or get lost in it. This is another easy fix. You might add other pieces to create an interesting collage. You can also pretend the much too large or small piece was intentionally placed as an act of artistic license.

Everyone has friends and family members who think everything in their house has to match exactly. This includes the artwork they put on the walls. The mistake here is that when everything blends in, you don't really see anything. On the other end of the spectrum, you don't want to hang something that is so jarringly out of place, it dominates the room for all the wrong reasons.

In the same vein, you don't want to plaster your walls with so many works, your guests' eyes get confused and don't know where to focus. None of the pieces will be able to stand out, and your room will look like a warehouse. When in doubt go for less. People who have large collections, often store some of the pieces, show others, and then change them out every once in awhile.

If you are someone who tends to go through periods of intense fascination with certain artists, styles, or genres, you might consider hanging one or two pieces among other works that are slightly different. Having walls covered with artwork that all looks alike is boring and unimaginative. Mixing pieces up is much more effective, creative, and interesting.

Collages can be difficult to pull off. The most common mistake people make is to just start hammering nails into the wall and hanging pieces without any thought to the design. You should consider drawing a plan down on paper or laying the different pieces down on the floor where you can move them around easily.

If you love art and enjoy having it in your home, there are simple things you can do to create a beautiful space. It may take some time and the opinion of others but you can manage it without a professional designer. Once you are satisfied, you will definitely enjoy the results.

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