
Fun And Simple Alcohol Ink Tiles

By Amy Green

It is nice to relax with an art project, and it is even better when you can combine that with quality time with friends or family members. While a lot of people are not classically trained painters or natural born artists, there are plenty of arts and crafts activities that anyone can do. Alcohol ink tiles are a very popular choice.

Some of the main things that are needed for this type of a project include tile coasters, inks in the desired colors, paint, spray sealers, and brushes. These are all not very expensive to buy, so this can be a project that stays within a reasonable budget. However, it is always possible to get the very best inks and other supplies if the project being made is intended to be of superior quality.

When it comes to the many occasions when it is socially expected to give gifts, a lot of people tend to turn to the various stores and businesses that are intent on selling them their products. However, one might find that their special someone loves a gift all the better when it comes from the heart and is made with their own two hands. A tile like this makes the perfect gift.

As is the case with any art project, it is highly important to protect your home, furniture, and possessions throughout the process. This is even truer when there are young children involved. Wax paper makes a great disposable protective surface, but a person can use whatever works best for her or him.

A generous amount of an alcoholic solution is best for making sure the tile is completely cleaned off and ready to be made into your canvas. It does not take a lot of time, and it can make all the difference between having a beautiful or lackluster tile. Nobody likes little surprises crusted to what is otherwise a beautiful piece of art.

While the process of making art this way may be a little different than some people are used to, it is something that is still very easily done. The process is somewhat similar to watercolors in that the artist is dealing with liquids interacting together. The trick is to get used to the dropping process.

Those who have more of a slow and steady pace to art might have a difficult time with dropping colors in at first. Because of the liquids involved, the colors have a tendency to wander from where the artist intended them to go. This can make the end result very beautiful, but it can sometimes make it hard to create what you see in your head.

It is very important to have everything placed and ready to go before getting started. Once the project begins, there will be no time to fumble around and look for that one special color that you need. Carefully setting out all the inks that will be used in the order they are needed in is most helpful.

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