
What To Expect From A Musical Theater Camp

By George Wright

It is usually a joy for parents to see that their kids have talent. Perhaps your child serenades you or does a dance to entertain. If they want to hone their talents and pursue acting on the stage in the future, then it is not enough just to send them to lessons. You should really consider sending them to a Musical Theater Camp so they can meet other kids with their interest.

These camps are for many different ages, and also many varied skill levels, so it is perfectly fine if your child is merely a beginner. They will learn new skills with every passing day during camp, and also learn to hone the ones they already have so they get better and better. They do this with teachers who have years of experience on the stage, with some even being former Broadway stars who can teach your kids what they need to know to make it.

Beyond just singing, they will also learn what is know as song interpretation. This is the singing of classic tunes, but in different ways that are unexpected and fun. They also get plenty of daily exercising through specialized dance classes such as jazz, ballet and especially tap dancing, which is popular on the stage.

The auditioning process should your kid pursue a career on the stage can be daunting. Even the most talented people may not get any work if they do not learn to audition and act like a professional when doing so. The teachers have experience in auditioning and can teach the students what they need to know.

The campers will learn all of these things, but it is not just learning at these camps. They get to do recreational activities as well, provided these are overnight camps. If it is held out in the country like many camps, then they may be able to indulge in swimming or canoeing. There may be musical instruments to play as well.

Traditionally, these camps are held in remote locations, much like a regular summer camp that kids can go to. There may not be one of these near you though, or your may balk at the idea of your child being away overnight. In these cases, you could send your kids to a day camp that are generally held in or near a city. You simply drop the child off in the morning, and pick them up each evening or afternoon.

Many camps have sessions that are three weeks, but others may go up to four weeks. This may seem like a long time, but it is just enough time to instill the students with lessons, then give them lots of time to practice. If you want what they learned to stick with them for a lifetime, then they really do need the constant repetition that comes with practice.

The big finale at the end of the three or four weeks is a musical number put on by the campers. They get to sing, dance and show their parents what they have been doing at the camp this entire time. They also get some practice with the pressures and joys of performing live, an experience they are sure to carry with them in their future musical endeavors.

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