
Why The Safety Lost Time Clock Is Needed

By Margaret Watson

People in many industries have long been discussing the zero accident future. It started with the airlines and the concept has spread, each in their own versions, across industries, all of which operate with potential hazards. The airlines wanted a future where no accidents occurred on the runway or during flight, and get the total trust of air travel customers.

A new machine that keeps or records time for certain aspects of work has added a new dimension for employees and companies. Besides the basic thing about recording entries and exits with digital punch ins and all the watches there for knowing the time, a new item is the safety lost time clock. This gadget is one found at factory floors or plants with great big machines.

A lot of factories will be working in zones full of risk, an accepted part of industrial jobs, risks that still provide headaches for people working in them. From admins to operators to workers, all know how the safety factor must be met or fulfilled to standards first before anything else is done. Records for safety, like days passing without an accident, is recorded as a good sign by the clock in question.

It is a clock that will record a tally of the days that pass without an accident and lost time when employees are injured at work. This time is a thing that counts lost hours of productivity because the worker has to be treated for injuries and thus is not able to work. The thing can be hours for a minor one and longer for major injuries.

Safety is predicated on how standards are set up for an entire company and also in how they address government regulations. It is always about having processes that are relevant to keeping hazards controllable. And it is also about reaction processes whenever and wherever some accident occurs in a plant.

Working people in these places are usually covered with benefits or compensation packages for this. The company provides it in lieu of insurance, because these are not things that are usually covered by insurance companies. To get coverage from these companies, you need to pay some great big premiums.

The safety of any worker or company is something that is integral to the work process, or should be. The time clock is one barometer by which everyone can see how this process has performed its function for the company. It will spell better productivity, good employee engagement as well as an inspiration to everyone involved.

This is an item showing evidence of improved management and employee relations. This will be healthier today because of how people appreciate the care taken and thus give back to the process. So the best thing that happens to companies today is how safety is a concern for everyone at work at all times.

This is one setup that runs like a game scoreboard, where tallies of time lost hours and accident free days are tallied. The government also has an agency recording and monitoring these results. When records are busted, for example, for days that are free of accidents, companies can say how they have good safety processes in place for their employees.

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