
What To Find In Memoirs About Leaving Home

By Jason Fox

A child born at home is received with a lot of love and joy. Everyone in the house wants to hold and please the baby. After some years, the toddle is all grown up and ready to start schooling and soon it wants to make decisions on its own. Time moves fast and in no time, once a small helpless kid want to go out and live on their own. This is a review of memoirs about leaving home where young people take upon themselves to seek freedom. There are things that majority of the young adolescents miss from their family after they have left.

Most young people yearning to leave home have no idea what they want to do when they get out to the real world. But some of the reasons that make these adolescents choose leaving may originate from excessively strict parents or injurious family. It is apparent that concentrated restricting adolescents provoke them to rebel.

A few decades ago, most young people left home to show that they can be independent and can do without their parents in the real world. However, they all have different experiences after they have left their home. There are those that turned out positive while others end up in worse incidents that leave them regretting for the rest of their lives.

The urge to leave home can begin from home; it could be because of peer pressure or other issues in the family. However, it is important to note that not all those who decide to get out of their parents supervision do so because of negative events. There are those that become of age and would want to give their parents some space and relieve them the burden. Others are admitted to distant colleges.

One of the most common things that the people leaving their homes miss is the care and love from their immediate relatives. This is an element that majority of young adolescents ignore while at home because they are regularly exposed to it. Therefore, the moment it is short in supply, the individuals feels its importance. Being alone also means taking responsibility without standing up for help from anyone. Pay bills, buy food, furnish your house and search for employment.

The reality of leaving home dawns on majority of the people when their friends start fading away. Although they leave as a group or peers, after sometime, they separate and start seeking individual lives. This means that they have to start management themselves as individuals, take care of their health and plan their lives. It becomes most difficult of some of these skills were not acquired at home. Many of them miss the aspect of their homes because everything was prepared and provided ready.

As most memoirs indicate, those who leave their homes because of peer pressure and other negative reasons often suffer the most. However, those who are assisted to establish their new lives by their parents and go because of positive circumstances always excel. How ones decide to take freedom determines what they experience in the real world.

Leaving home is a difficult thing for both the parents and children. Having lived together watched them grow and took care of them, guardian confidence that their child will take care away from their eyes is not sufficient. Therefore gaining independence should not be instant or by force but it should be gradual and well informed.

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