
Examples Of Incredible Stories About German Shepherds

By Scott Evans

Dogs have been sufficiently proven to be among the friendliest pets to mankind. It is beyond reasonable doubt that German shepherds are top of this list, when it comes to matters regarding different species of dogs. This is especially because these dogs have myriad qualities that give them an upper edge, as compared to other breeds. There are numerous unbelievable Stories about German shepherds, and this piece will depict some of the most compelling ones.

Often, we hear touching and beautiful tales of owners saving the lives of these dogs, but what is even more inspiring, attention-grabbing and touching is that these dogs also sacrifice their lives to save lives of their owners as well as strangers. One of the fascinating stories about these creatures is a dog that was named Luks. Luks went down the books of dog history when he sacrificed his life, in a bid to save the life of his owner, a Yugoslav statesman.

The story of Luks saving his Yugoslavian statesman in June 1943, the owner, Josip Broz was in a very complicated situation, whereby he found a bomb which fell nearby. The owner of the dog, who was a Yugoslav Partisan commander, was fascinatingly saved by his dog Luks, which sacrificed his life. This event occurred during the war of Sutjeska, and this story was only revealed after the war, in the post-battle report.

The baby jumped into the pool. The dog made incessant alerts by barking, crying, and whining, fearing for the dog. When nobody came to the rescue of the baby who was now drowning, the dog Sasha jumped inside the pool and held her up, so she could now breathe comfortably. Later, the baby was dragged out. Had the dog not came to the rescue of baby then Milena she could have drowned and died.

Another heroic act by these amazing animals happened in November 2013, whereby Jade, the name of the dog, saved the life of an abandoned girl. Jade was strolling with her owner named Roger, and suddenly, Jade started leading Roger towards a park bush. Roger got shocked when he found out that Jade had actually led him towards a place where there was a baby bag which had a cute baby that was crying inside. Roger immediately informed the local authorities, who took the one-day old toddler and gave her the necessary treatment and care.

Another noteworthy act that excited many people the world over is whereby Noah, a German shepherd dog, took a bullet in a bid to save her master owner, alongside her three children. This happened in January 2015, whereby the family got in a parking lot when a gunfire incident ensued.

In July 2015, a German shepherd dog called Rambo, sacrificed his dear life by sharing the electrical charge alongside the owner, who had been hit by lightning. Rambo sacrificed his life when he saw that Jonathan Hardman, his owner, had been suddenly struck by lightning. When Jonathan ended up unconscious, his dog touched him, instantly discharging him from the deadly electricity.

Another real happening that affected the hearts of very many people is whereby a dog named Bruno, who was a police dog, was shot as he was chasing down a person suspected to be involved in criminal activities. This happened in March 2014, whereby the dog was running after a criminal alongside a police officer. The dog helped the Colorado police officers in the fight against criminality, and luckily, it was not killed from the gunshot, but sustained injuries that were later treated.

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