
How To Join Poets Of Resistance

By Kevin Reed

Intelligent people do not carry banners and run to the streets trying to make a change. They use words to pass on a strong message and call for change. It is the only way people in the art world think about having their voices heard. Poets of resistance are people who have dedicated their lives to bring change. They are the ones who will air the grievances of different people.

When putting down this form of art things are quite simple since everything you write about is happening around. The person reading it should feel the connection and connect with the issues highlighted in the art. Express your words putting yourself in the shoes of the person experiencing these issues firsthand if you want to pass the message clearly.

What your readers want to see is creativity and if you use the usual words people will not complete reading it. The message you want to pass needs to show that you want to see change. Show the people that you are with them so that you can fight together. If you want them to understand the deeper meaning of your work be creative.

The reader needs to paint a picture in the mind of the reader by using fitting similes and metaphors just to keep the reader glued. Do not try to force the rhyme if it is not coming through just let it be. It is the dream of every person to keep their work sounding like a song so that people can remember. As long as the quality is still there do not force it.

Revision is important. The craziest thing about a writer is that things happen every day and everything they look at converts into a story. They want to transform everything they see and fit it into their piece. Write the first draft and keep it for a while. Go back and see if there are changes that need to be made and make them until you feel the work is well done.

In as much as people are looking for creativity sometimes getting all the content from your head can be challenging. Other writers have written on the same. They have talked about all the wrong things happening in their country and are looking forward to airing their grievances. Use their work to give a way forward and you can actually sample from that work.

Look for someone to check your work. The person should be neutral so that they do not pass their judgment from a specific point of view. They will tell you when you are trying to hide the truth and guide you on the best terms to use without sounding harsh. You are the change and the best way to do that as a writer is tell by the issues as they are in the society.

When people can write about an issue that has been ignored for some time the government takes charge. As long as words are well chosen they will talk about the inhumane things happening in the world. It was through these words that people of Manchester used to call for change after terrorism acts. Words can be used in that moment people want to see political changes.

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