
An Overview Of Whitestone Presbyterian Church

By Michelle Hill

Due to varying beliefs that people have towards religions, people choose to follow what they find satisfying to them. Among the religious group that attracts many followers is Christianity. The need for Christians to grow spiritually is evidenced by adequate churches in areas where religion has its roots. Christians are known to do everything as per the will of God. The current society is experiencing influx where many individuals are choosing to worship in churches that are stable. The mushrooming of the various churches is evidenced in the society with some getting the different branding. Thanks to the Whitestone Presbyterian Church, it has remained unchanged for long since its initiation. The elements below has also enabled the church to retain some followers over time.

They believe wholeheartedly in the Holy Trinity. According to Christian doctrines, the Trinity represent God in three persons. God the son, the father and also the Holy Spirit. This is included in several prayers that they say. Mentioning the names changes the situations to better things.

The Bible is the guidance book. Religious practices usually occur through particular regulation and beliefs. All the proceedings do not just occur without the basis. A special book believed to be written by individuals inspired by God guides all provisions that Christians have to be involved in at the place of worship or away in their residence.

The worship day is usually on a Sunday. All the followers usually come together to dedicate themselves to God and also give gratitude on a Sunday. Unlike other religions or churches that believe on a different day, the understanding of the Bible according to Christians dictates Sunday as a holy day.

The society benefits a lot from the churches. The teachings stipulated in the doctrines allows one to participate in any community project fully. The sacred places usually have diverse roles that they have to play. Among the major one include the spiritual growth of its members and those of a society. Giving basic needs and general donations to some members of respective community is a positive act.

The aspect of baptism has also been noted. This is one feature that is universal in many churches. Although it is done differently, the facilitators aim at renewing the particular person into the new Christian life. The act is symbolic and for one to be fully accepted and given a Christian name they have to be baptized. It turns one into a new society and church member.

Preachers are involved in passing the gospel. The followers of a church usually engage in the activity so as to grow spiritually. Preachers who have basic training in theology are expected to pass the biblical teaching to the congregation. The message has to be effectively passed in a way it is easily understood.

In conclusion, the numerous churches in New York City are guided by different terms. The same thing happens to all the Presbyterian followers. They are obliged to stick to particular rule and regulations that guide the congregation. This ensures peaceful coexistence among the Christians in a good way. Failure to comply with rules makes one nonreligious.

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