
How To Become A Successful Song Writer

By Maria Morris

If you have ever wondered how people like Sia came into being they began by composing music for famous musicians. In case you want to choose a path as a song writer you must dedicate years and years into this career. It is not easy and in most cases you might have a lot of rejects before someone can really agree to work with your lyrics.

There are those people who need to go through special training while others are born with their gift. In case you are a natural born poet music is easy to compose and all you need is the structure. However for someone who is passionate and needs skills they have to enroll in a school. Look for the perfect school that suits your needs.

Behind every hit music there is an inspiration therefore keep your inspiration live as possible. The things around you and the people you meet with affect what you write. Depending on the theme or the message you want in a song look for an environment that creates that atmosphere. Do not stress your inspiration if you are tired find time to relax.

You have to feel the music. If you were to ask any successful composer they will tell you that every music they made and it became a hit they had a deep connection with it. Therefore it is important for one not to detach their feelings. If you have an experience you would want to share do it through the music that is what created Adele.

If you want to get your listener hooked forcing rhymes is not the way to go. You will just make them lose interest in your music and your record might go down as the worst ever. Think about using repetitive words that can keep your listeners hooked and they sing along. That way you will sell record of the year and win amazing awards.

Once you have the technical knowledge needed think about the bigger picture and what you have been working so hard to achieve. Small details will not help in analyzing therefore listen to other people and see what they make different. Let there be someone who can read your lyrics and correct you when you make a mistake.

You have to work with someone else. There will be something different you will learn by associating with others. Make sure you do not use complex words into the lyrics otherwise the music will seem forced. Try not to look for perfection. If you fail once get up twice and compose something better. If your music is reject keep trying and do not feel like you are not good enough.

Sia dedicated most of life into composing music that was sometimes rejected therefore know that it is not a walk in the park. Things will be hard for you and the worst thing is that the income is uncertain. However there is never nothing impossible for a willing heart. See life as it is and face it head on. Think about your weirdest dreams coming to reality anytime you want to give up your dream.

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