
An Extract On What Happened When Escaping Home As Given In Personal Memoirs Examples

By Virginia Lee

Going away from home is always hard, and this is usually compounded by the fact that one is leaving all the people they love behind. One usually has a leave happy memories made at home with friends and family, and this makes leaving all of them harder. The nostalgia that one has after going away is what prompts many people to write personal memoirs examples to help one keep alive memories of those that they have left behind.

One of the memories that are hardest to wipe out from an individual mind is the last dinner that one shares with close friends and family on the eve of the day that they are about to leave home. This meal which is famously known as the last supper is usually charged with laughter and high emotions with tears being a common feature especially if an individual is going to be away for a long and unknown time.

When one announced their intention to go away from home for a while, past grudges were forgiven and transgression forgotten. Love was in plenty during this period especially if the duration that one was going to be away was long. The uncertainty helped heal many wounds.

As one packed their bags in preparation for the journey, parents would drop in and to offer a few words of advice, lend a hand and offer encouragement. This process was slow at best, but perhaps this may have been because at the back of one mind, leaving behind family, friends and all that someone was used to all their life was hard.

If one was going away to new places with new cultures, scenery and different people, it was hard not to get excited. This joy was usually more if one was going away to place far away from home. To avoid hurting the feelings of the people being left at home, one had to master the art of bottling all this excitement inside.

Parents were the ones who were hit by leaving home hardest. Sometimes if the journey that one was undertaking were too long, they would try to change an individual mind by trying to convince one to choose a destination that was closer to home. Lots of advice both practical and impractical was offered, and one had to take it all in without too many arguments.

Making plans with friends on what do once one left home was always fun. Most friends were excited that their friends would experience new scenery and see the world in a new light, but the thought of leaving others behind was hard. The advice some friends offered was interesting, but others were sometimes outright naughty.

Saying goodbye to the people assembled during the actual day that one was leaving home was the hardest and saddest part. As reality sunk that one was leaving, tears would flow freely as hugs and kisses were exchanged. All parties present made promises to keep in touch, and as the vehicle ferrying one to their destination pulled away, one would be filled with thoughts of what the future held.

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