
Get Better Results With Licensed Pomeranian Breeders

By John Miller

Raising a puppy is a huge responsibility and a decision one should never make on impulse or enter into without careful consideration. When selecting a breed, it is important to take time to learn as much as possible so that one can be sure that its general behaviors, health concerns, grooming needs, and size, are going to be compatible with one's lifestyle and living situation. Choosing to use deal only with licensed Pomeranian breeders - should this be the chosen dog - in Oklahoma City, OK is always best.

There are numerous individuals who advertise that they sell purebred puppies, and the kennel in pet stores are just flowing with fuzzy little balls of cuteness. The big concern is that most of these pups are not actually of pure bloodlines and many are born in puppy farms. Neither of these practices are as focused on the care, treatment, and health of the dogs as they are on the bottom profit line, which is definitely not a good thing.

There is a long list of reasons why it is best for interested parties to not shop for puppies in shops or markets, and to avoid dealing with any breeder who does not have proper credentials. These inhumane breeding practices will continue as long as they are supported, and the buyer is very likely to end up with a very expensive pup with health conditions that were avoidable. The only way to guarantee one receives the purebred dog they desire is to purchase from a qualified source.

There are a few key factors one would need to verify before conducting any type of business when seeking the best breeder. This research might be a bit of work and consume some time, but the security of a healthy dog and investment protection are worth it.

The first thing to consider is the credentials of the breeder. Breed associations and kennel clubs are quite particular about those they will endorse and have the strictest of standards. Searches can begin with these groups and anyone who has not passed the requirements put forth by such entities would probably not be a reliable source.

This should be followed by checking their history. Typically, this includes factors like bloodline verification papers, animal health records, customer relations, and years in operation. To get the clearest impression of the supplier, it is beneficial to consider reviews of both positive and negative opinions and to speak directly with a few former clients if possible.

The conditions in which the dogs - both adults and puppies - are kept is a huge factor to be considered. The animals require plenty of room to move around, their area needs to be clean, diet nutritious, and the breeding of a particular female should not occur too frequently. If able, it would be of great benefit to pay a physical visit to the facility to see how things are conducted.

Lastly, the breeder's willingness to be of help and their genuine concern for their pups, should be considered. One who is breeding out of love and dedication to the breed are going to conduct interviews on prospective buyers to make sure that individual will be capable of properly caring for the pups. They will have no issue providing bloodline certification, health records and guarantees.

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