
Why You Should Visit Inner Reflections IL Oregon To Enjoy Healthier Life

By Michelle Clark

Today's young adults have an incredible ability to think and reflect on a deeper level than previous generations. Though there are many theories for why this is true, the most commonly accepted is because we have access to significantly more information than previous generations. Well, we have all the reasons to visit inner reflections IL Oregon for the emotional healing.

Before your evening plans, or before you go to bed, sit up straight in a chair, or lie down for 15 minutes. Take in a few deep breaths and clear your mind. Imagine a light gently entering your crown and softening the tension in your head.

Then see it move down to bathe in your heart, and then take the light down to your bathe in your belly. Finally, direct the light down, through your legs, and out through the bottoms of your feet. Then, wherever you feel tension in side of your body, just BE with it, until you feel a subtle shift in feeling.

What sorts of brain activity would then be? Would a creative way of thinking blossom? What do you say to these questions? Of course, if one has not had a direct experience as such, what answer one comes up with would be mere ideas and theories-meaning more thoughts. But still, do these questions even interest one? Or is one so caught and addicted to thinking that cannot even consider these?

Duality has created 'separation' in partnerships of all kinds. As a collective, we need to shift the way we relate to one another. However, to change the state of the world to unity consciousness begins with-IN each one of us. And what would that picture look like? And where would it begin? With you and me.

One day a hungry pregnant tigress runs into a group of goats grazing about. Being very hungry it makes a hasty ferocious attack, but it falls off the hilltop, breaks its neck and dies. Goats seeing the tiger's attack, all scatter around.

Conclusively, all relationships we encounter in our life reflect to us more about how we treat ourselves. Imagine if you will, that someone appears in your movie as a reflection of something you like in yourself, making you feel better about yourself. On the other hand, if you are critical of yourself, you can draw someone to you who will find fault with you. So to change the picture you see in your outside world, requires 'a shift in perception' within you first.

Until one day, a big hungry tiger makes an attack on the goats. Again, the goats run away, but the young tiger being a tiger at heart stays put. It doesn't run away. When the big tiger sees this, it is mortified. "What!!! You are living with goats!!!!" It thunders. "Maaaaa", replies the young tiger like a goat. At this point, the big tiger grabs the young one by the neck and takes it to a pond, a pond that was stand still. "Look into the pond, " commands the big tiger. When the young tiger looks into the still pond, what does it see?

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