
Ways To Discover Between An Amateur Vs. Professional In The Abstract Realism Artwork

By Diane Carter

You might have been painting for a while and even gone a step further to showcase a few your works locally. You might have as well made a few coins from selling some of your paintings. However, despite all that you are still not able to define yourself as an amateur or a professional. You might feel the urge to consider yourself a professional after showcasing your work and even selling it, but there are things to consider before you give yourself that title. Here are a few things to consider before you consider yourself an amateur or professional in the Abstract Realism Artwork.

The medium that you use in your painting defines what you are. For instance, for the new starters, they find it easy to use watercolor during their art. That means that if you are an amateur, that should not the type of medium you need to be using. Instead, use more complexities to show that your creativity is beyond that one of amateurs.

Your paintings that you deal with determine what you are. Have you started painting impressionisms? If you have never made an attempt, it is your call to start doing the art. Do not just stick to lifestyle and landscapes. Try something more complex. That will prove that your creativity is broad. Hence, you can deal with paintings that are more complicated.

Most professionals wait until their last presentations have completed. That is when they can distinguish whether their paintings were perfected. Before then, there is no actual judgment that can be done. Also, if you want to become a professional, stop using the normal papers sizes that are available at the craft stores. Start cutting your hardboards and new stretches of canvas. With that, you will increase your creativity.

If you have developed your style of painting, then you also are heading to the professional levels. There is no point of keep using styles created by other people even after having sufficient experience in this field. Thus, to show some skills, you should start creating your style. That way, you will have something to make you different from other painters.

Experts in paintings use their drawings to pass a particular message to their audience. This is what separates them from other painters. Amateurs paint because they feel like doing it. If you want to move up the ladder, avoid this and instead try painting with a purpose. Your artwork should be able to be interpreted by someone and not just be admired.

Start contributing to different conferences of painters. Contribute by sharing your ideas with other painters. By sharing ideas, you will have the ability to try more complex paintings. Bit by bit, you will end up becoming a professional.

For you to become a professional, avoid taking painting as a part-time activity or as a hobby. This way you will never take it seriously. You should paint with a passion and as full-time activity as a career. This way you will find yourself constantly improving to professional standards.

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