
The Importance Of Abstract Paintings In Your Home

By Karen Russell

Art has remained important because it is one way to chronicle the lives of people living throughout history. While science and its facets are very important to our survival, art has remained to be the reason why we survive. It gives life meaning and without this meaning, there really is no point of surviving.

Throughout the cultural evolution of mankind, visual representation has always chronicled our way of living. It is a safe bet to say that civilization has started with abstraction, since detailed study about life has not really been the priority then. Now, since priorities have changed, there has been a change especially with LA abstract paintings and their themes. This, of course do not limit to those pieces found in Los Angeles.

What makes an abstract piece stand out from among others is composition. This is true to all types of art, but can be quite difficult to determine in this case, technically speaking. Not only does its aesthetic rely on color choice but also on so many unsuspected shapes and concepts.

The thing with abstraction is that there is no concrete life form visual and accurate representation that immediately makes the subject recognizable, if even there is a subject at all. Abstract in its essence is a matter of composition consisting of well placed shapes and colors. While this may be true it does not stop it from holding so much meaning and life.

Contemporary artists have the potential to do really well in Los Angeles given that there are many galleries and avenues that cater to abstraction. There are so many reasons why you want to buy some abstract art for your home or any space that you deem important to your existence. Now this is not some quip about why you should support art and its artists, although that is already a given and can be passed of as, well, moral obligation to culture.

Sure a 10 year old can do it, but they would not be able to on the original scale of the piece, much more with its political meaning. Contemporary artists best flourish in the cities these days. Technology and the invention of different materials have allowed people to come up with new and different mediums to play with.

As a buyer choose something with a good story, apart from what strikes a cord in your head or heart. Buy the weird and unusual ones if it seems fit for your personality and go all out. Be careful with what you buy though, while there are installations and paintings that can cost a lot, they can still be made by people who are merely doing it for the shock factor.

Many would like to accuse abstract art as just splatters on a canvas, or random shapes with colors not carefully thought of. This can be so far from the true, although, truthfully, there may be some works by amateurs that are merely just random strokes. This is called lazy and pretentious art, which is what you want to look out for.

Let us face it, it makes you question if there really is still some cultural significance to what is being displayed. This is not to say that all abstracts are random and just drips of paint and a composition of shapes. You can check out a Pollock piece and realize that the intricacies of its fractals and patterns create a mathematical pattern. Then again looking at art technically is a matter of study. It takes experience and genuine interest to actually see what is good and what is pretentious.

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