
Searching For Reliable Boston Guitar Repair

By Anthony Ellis

Many guitarists will at some point need to have some repair work done to their instrument. There are various things that can go wrong with acoustic and electric guitars and there are a few important things for you to consider before having work done. There are a few options available to you when you are looking for reliable boston guitar repair and there are a few things you can do yourself to keep your instrument in good condition.

If you need your guitar fixing the best place to go to is to an instrument store in Boston Massachusetts. These specialist stores will carry out repairs on their premises or send the instrument away to another company. Most stores also offer an inspection service for players and this helps to prevent serious faults developing.

Another place to locate reliable repair services is by looking on the net and there are many firms who advertise their services online. When you contact them by email or telephone they will ask you about the problem and arrange for your instrument to be shipped to them by road. When you need to ship your instrument using a courier firm it is very important to get adequate shipping insurance in case of damage or loss in transit.

The costs of your repairs will depend on what problem needs fixing. Small problems such as replacing a tuner or bridge will be fairly inexpensive and will not take long. If the problem is a serious one such as a warped neck or a cracked top then this is going to be costly and time consuming.

Electric instruments will need a certain amount of care and it is very important to look after them correctly. Necks, frets and the body need to be kept clean a free from chips. Volume pots, tremolo arms and the wiring should be checked for wear and tear at least once a year. Strings should be changed at regular intervals and this will help with the neck tension and keep it true.

Acoustic guitars also need maintenance and much of this can be done in your home. The wood should be kept free from dust and the tuners need to be well lubricated with a specialist oil. If you keep a guitar out of its hard case it should be kept on a suitable stand and not leaning against a wall as this can warp the neck.

There are some things you can do to keep your instrument in good condition and to prevent costly damage. Guitars should be kept in a good quality hard case when not in use and this will protect them from knocks and moisture. Each time you play, you should clean the instrument with a lint free cloth before putting it back into its case, which removes any perspiration which can severely damage the woods and finish.

If you have to store an instrument for an extended period there are a couple of things that can be done to protect it. Clean the instrument thoroughly before putting it its case and always store in a clean and dry area of your home. Packets containing absorbing gel or some uncooked rice can also be placed in the case and this will soak up moisture that is in the atmosphere.

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