
On Hiring The Best Elvis Impersonator

By George Mitchell

Two words ruled the late fifties up to the early seventies. Rock N roll. When it needed a king in the sixties, people in the United States did not have to look long. A boy who grew up, hardened by the south but with a gift of music like no other in his generation up to now, took care of that.

Mississippi did not have much going on back then. The youth lived on music and boy did they devour it when Elvis Presley was introduced on stage. The rest they say was history. It only made sense that you can always find an elvis impersonator san francisco.

Sure, it would be nothing like having the man himself performs for you. But he did not even live to be fifty, and the culture he defined made sure that his memory lived on for all those who were not yet born or got the chance to experience his art in the flesh. There was no on quite like him back in the days.

They are a special group of performers, with an uncanny way to look like celebrity heroes long gone. Appearance and voice would of course be a part of that too, because that is how they get clients. Sure there are other rock n roll acts to be followed.

Doing it professionally and making a living out of it may well be more than what one had bargained for. But impersonators are common today. Especially for an icon like that man. He had a signature look with clothes that you would not mistake on any other artist.

If you are thinking of hiring one for entertainment, or for a party that would love to see the king come to life on stage with his signature looks and hair style that had lived on to be copied for generations. San Francisco, California would be the best place to look. Not to mention that it really is the place of entertainers of almost any kind.

Today, impersonators are already professionally trained. It took them years of training and studying movements and mannerisms of how the artist sings or dances on stage, maybe even both. You will believe you are truly meeting the man himself when you get the right person for the entertainment.

Booking would not be easy, as what has been already mentioned. Then again, there are so many ways to get them. Do your research and go to the internet. There are listings there, lots of them, for you to check. There may even be photos and sample videos. If they do not have videos, you can ask the company for one.

You would know who your man is if you yourself are a fan. It is all about the hair, the open neck suit and pants with the shining shoes. It would not take long for you to figure it out. Of course, the moves would matter just as much. The man was larger than life element and something that could not come close to even just a fraction of that would not be worth it.

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