
Finding An Elvis Tribute San Francisco

By Brenda Young

If you plan to put on a show for a special occasion or party, you may decide to book a tribute singer or band. Many acts are now available that emulate famous singers and bands and in many cases they are identical to the real thing. A popular choice is an elvis tribute san Francisco and some care is needed when you are making your booking.

There are two kinds of Elvis Presley tribute in San Francisco, CA and some careful thought is needed before you make a booking. A large number of vocalists will sound like the king and they will have spent many hours perfecting their show. In some instances the artist will look alike and these performers are usually more expensive to book than a sound alike.

After doing your research, a vocalist can be booked who will be suitable to meet your requirements. Most singers will be happy to discuss your needs and they can tailor their act accordingly and will also help and advise you. Prices will vary depending on the length of time they are on stage, what sound and light equipment is needed and other expenses such as travel and accommodation.

The prices you pay for a good Elvis tribute will usually start at around 500 dollars for a few songs to backing tracks. If you are booking a proper stage show with live musicians and backing vocalists then you can expect the costs to rise considerably. Many of the performers will also provide all of their own amplifiers, speakers and lighting and this will be reflected in their fees.

The preferable way to book a vocalist for a show is to use the services of a reputable entertainment firm or show business agent. Most companies and agents will be able to offer a selection of acts to suit your individual needs. There are benefits of using these professional agencies due to the fact that they will have all of the necessary insurances and permits to stage your show.

There are also many internet sites that can be used to book a suitable singer to perform at your event and there are a couple of things to check prior to booking online. It is recommended that you contact the singer and discuss your plans for show and ask for their advice. Elvis frequently changed his on stage look over the years and many costume and singing styles are offered.

When you are looking at the various singers you should do some careful research on their past shows. Many agents and internet booking sites will share information on their acts and will publish testimonials from customers. You can also usually watch videos and listen to audio that is available and this can give a good indication of what you can expect from your singer.

If you have an impersonator in mind you should attempt to book well in advance due to the fact that many popular artists are committed for months or years. If your chosen act is on the competition circuit they will spend a lot of time travelling the world. Some care is also needed hiring a venue and you should check what equipment is needed to stage your show.

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